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Deforestation in Ecuador
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Deforestation in Ecuador

Doni Fabian Carranza Pluas


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Ecuador is one of the leading countries in deforestation.

Ecuador, a country of 270,000 square kilometers, previously possessed 132,000 square kilometers of forest. With a deforestation rate of 4% per year, it only has 44,000 square kilometers left. Every year 3,000 square kilometers are deforested.

During the 1990, forest loss has increased unprecedentedly (more than 2 million hectares less) as the extractive industry advances.

Forest loss

Mining and oil activities affect the conservation of the forests and paramos of Ecuador.But the construction of roads, urban areas and infrastructure such as hydroelectric plants, among other changes in land use, are also driving forces of change.

Protected areas and the development of programs turn out to be key in the maintenance and conservation of these ecosystems.

Ecuador recorded the highest forest clearing in the Amazon in 2020

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Deforestation destroys Amazon forest in Ecuador

Deforestation can occur due to natural causes or due to human activities A fire, without going any further, that causes deforestation can have its origin in man or be caused by nature, such as when lightning strikes a tree.

Causes of deforestation

Currently, the rate of deforestation is too high. Forests are ecosystems that recover very slowly. Some varieties of flora species and, indirectly, the fauna that live there, are in danger if the forest disappears.

Measures to reduce the damage caused by deforestation

One of the ways to solve the logging problem is to plant green spaces. But this method is ineffective when it comes to large areas in destruction.

First, a reasonable approach to the use of vegetation and other natural resources is necessary.

Examples To Prevent Deforestation

The Discover credit card carried out the “Eternal Breath” action, an initiative to reconnect Liga Deportiva Universitaria fans with their club and with the planet, at a time when they cannot cheer on the team from the stands of their Stadium. The two thousand trees that were located in the eastern gallery of Casa Blanca, symbolizing the lungs of the fans, are being planted in different sectors to improve the air quality of our city and perpetuate the breath that the fans provide to the team of their loves.

1) Conservation of forest landscapes and their biological diversity. 2)Maintain uniform forest management without depleting forest resources. 3)Teaching the population the skills to care for the forest. 4)Strengthen state-level control over the conservation and use of natural resources. 5)Creation of accounting and monitoring systems for forest funds. 6)Improvement of forest legislation.

To stop the process of forest destruction, standards for the rational use of forest resources must be developed. It is necessary to comply with the following areas:


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