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I.C.S.S. QuasimodoGela


Hello! We would like to show you a presentation about our town.

We live in Sicily, the big island in the south of Italy.




There are sandy beautiful beaches in Gela. It’s warm and sunny for most of the year, so you can go swimming in spring and summer, and have long walks along the seafront. It’s beautiful at sunset! Enjoy our video!!


Gela is a big town by the MediterraneanSea. It’s known because it was a Greek Colony. There is an important site with a lot of Greek archeological finds, and there are ancient fortification walls, dating back to the 7th century BC, called Timoleontee Walls.

Gela Greek Colony

And now …. something about our school. In our school there are about 1000 students among infant, primary and secondary school. We do a lot of extracurricular activities, such as Cambridge Certifications, artistic gymnastics courses, robotic classes, music classes and chess classes. We have four Erasmus+ Projects at the moment.


In our school there’s a large gym,where we do lots of morning and afternoon activities, including trainings for local and regional competitions

The SchoolGym

Here’s a short video of our school

Thanks for watching