Describe a piece of useful Technology- RUBRIC
Ines Morillo
Created on June 17, 2021
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Describe a piece of useful Technology- RUBRIC
Below Standard
Exceeds Standard
Nearly Meets Standard
Language Usage
Evaluation indicators
Meets Standard
The introduction and actual presentation were exceptionally well- organized and easy to understand.
Presenter gave a clear and concise introduction of the topic. The flow of the presentation was clear and concise and easy to follow.
Presenter used correct sentence structure/syntax that was appropriate in supporting the topic
Presenter used the BEST sentence structure/syntax that supported the topic.
Presenter used correct sentence structure/syntax with a few mistakes that was mostly appropriate for the topic
Presenter used incorrect sentence structure/syntax that was not appropriate for the topic..
Uses vocabulary appropriate for the audience but does not include any vocabulary from the unit, topic specific.
Uses several words or phrases that are inappropriate, repetitive, very basic vocabulary not related with the Unit.
Uses vocabulary appropriate for the audience. Includes 2-3 words topic specific.
Uses more than 5 very specific words for the topic,
Speaks clearly and distinctly all the time, and mispronounces no words.
Speaks clearly and distinctly all (95-90%) the time, but mispronounces some words.
Speaks clearly and distinctly most (90-85%) of the time. Mispronounces 2-5 words in the presentation.
Frequently mumbles OR mispronounces several (6+) key words in the presentation.
The presenter is VERY WELL prepared and delivers ideas in a clear ,original and concise manner. Volume, pacing and gestures contribute maximally to the presentation, without reading at any time.
Presenter was well prepared and delivered ideas. Appropriate voice volume, tone and pacing. The speaker speaks fluently, but some reading is observed during the presentation.
Presenter was somewhat prepared. Delivery of the presentation was made but with strong dependence on notes (with no image, It is perceived that the speaker is reading).Some hesitations but good voice, volume, tone and pacing.
Presenter gave a clear introduction of the topic, but the presentation was somewhat unclear. There aresome parts somewhat confusing to follow.
Presenter did not give a clear and concise introduction of the topic. The flow of the presentation was unclear and confusing to follow.
Presenter was clearly unprepared to present to the audience. The speaker is perceived to be reading.