Want to make creations as awesome as this one?

A game in which little ones can test their knowledge, solve riddles, and pass physical tests, do you dare to play?



















































Instructions: This game follows the dynamics of the Game of the Goose but with some surprises.LEARN MORE

RULES OF THE GAME: Each player chooses a chip and moves through the board according to the number they get on the dice. Depending on the color of the box in which they fall, they must do one thing or another. There are some boxes where you always have to do the same. Yellow: You advance to the next square of the same color and roll again. Blue: Overcome the challenge or you return to the previous space. Green: Guess right or you'll lose a turn. Pink: You have to answer the question or you go back a space.

Throw the dice!


Drag the chips!

Have a great time with the "Colors" board game!

You have fallen into a Pink spaceYou have to answer the question or you go back a space:You had 5 coins and you found 3 more. How many coins do you have in total?

You've fallen into a Blue space. Get going!You have to overcome the following challenge and if you don't, return to the previous space:Jump 5 times on one leg with each leg.

You have fallen into a Green space.You have to answer the following riddle or you will be left without a turn:What has to be broken before you use it?

You've fallen into a Yellow space. How lucky!You win the right to advance to the next Yellow space and you can also roll again.

You've fallen into a Pink boxYou have to answer the question or go back a space:Complete the following word:BA _ _ O (Clue: It's a musical instrument)

You've fallen into a Blue space. Get going!You have to overcome the following challenge and if you don't, return to the previous space:You have to walk 10 big steps ... backwards.

You have fallen into a Green spaceYou have to answer the following riddle or you will lose a turn:What is full of holes but still holds water?

You've fallen into a Yellow space. How lucky!You win the right to advance to the next Yellow space and you can also roll again.

You've landed on a Pink spaceYou have to answer the question or go back a space:If I have 10 pears, and I have eaten 3 and my friend Luis has eaten 1...How many pears do I have left?

You've landed in a Blue space. Get going!You have to overcome the following challenge and if you don't, return to the previous space:Squat and jump 10 jumps forward.

You've landed in a Green space.You have to answer the following riddle or you will lose a turn: What goes up but never comes down?

You've fallen into a Yellow space. How lucky! You win the right to advance to the next Yellow space and you can also roll again.

You've landed on a Pink spaceYou have to answer the question or go back a space: How is the weather today? Sunny/Cloudy/Rainy/Windy

You've landed in a Blue space. Get going! You have to overcome the following challenge and if you don't, return to the previous space: Get on the ground and you have to crawl for 10 seconds.

You've landed in a Green space.You have to answer the following riddle or you will lose a turn: What gets wet while drying?

You've fallen into a Yellow space. How lucky! You win the right to advance to the next Yellow space and you can also roll again.

You've landed on a Pink space You have to answer the question or go back a space: What color do you get if you mix blue and yellow?

You've landed in a Blue space. Get going! You have to overcome the following challenge and if you don't, return to the previous space: With your feet tied, you need to move forward by jumping 10 times

You've landed in a Green space.You have to answer the following riddle or you will lose a turn: I shave every day but my beard stays the same. What am I?

You've fallen into a Yellow space. How lucky! You win the right to advance to the next Yellow space and you can also roll again.

You've landed on a Pink space You have to answer the question or go back a space: Name 3 geometric shapes

You've landed in a Blue space. Get going! You have to overcome the following challenge and if you don't, return to the previous space: Tiptoe around and take 5 steps to each side

You've landed in a Green space.You have to answer the following riddle or you will lose a turn: What can't talk but will reply when spoken to?

You've fallen into a Yellow space. How lucky! You win the right to advance to the next Yellow space and you can also roll again.

You've landed on a Pink space You have to answer the question or go back a space: ¿Qué es un animal?

You've landed in a Blue space. Get going! You have to overcome the following challenge and if you don't, return to the previous space: Wheelbarrow: choose a partner to take you and advance 10 steps.

You've landed in a Green space.You have to answer the following riddle or you will lose a turn: The more of this there is, the less you see. What is it?

You've fallen into a Yellow space. How lucky! You win the right to advance to the next Yellow space and you can also roll again.

You've landed on a Pink space You have to answer the question or go back a space: Say the alphabet!

You've landed in a Blue space. Get going! You have to overcome the following challenge and if you don't, return to the previous space: Get a ball and hit it 5 times with each hand

You've landed in a Green space.You have to answer the following riddle or you will lose a turn: What has many keys but can't open any lock?

You've fallen into a Yellow space. How lucky! You win the right to advance to the next Yellow space and you can also roll again.

You've landed on a Pink space You have to answer the question or go back a space: Name 4 musical instruments

You've landed in a Blue space. Get going! You have to overcome the following challenge and if you don't, return to the previous space: Do a handstand for 5 seconds (a friend can help you!)

You've landed in a Green space.You have to answer the following riddle or you will lose a turn: Where does today come before yesterday?

You've fallen into a Yellow space. How lucky! You win the right to advance to the next Yellow space and you can also roll again.

You've landed on a Pink space You have to answer the question or go back a space: ¿Cómo estás? (Feliz, triste, enojado, cansado.)

You've landed in a Blue space. Get going! You have to overcome the following challenge and if you don't, return to the previous space: Do 10 sit-ups

You've landed in a Green space.You have to answer the following riddle or you will lose a turn: It belongs to you but other people use it more than you do. What is it?

You've fallen into a Yellow space. How lucky! You win the right to advance to the next Yellow space and you can also roll again.

You've landed on a Pink space You have to answer the question or go back a space: Count the numbers from 1 to 10 backwards

You've landed in a Blue space. Get going! You have to overcome the following challenge and if you don't, return to the previous space: Stand on your toes and take 5 steps forward and 5 steps backwards

You've landed in a Green space.You have to answer the following riddle or you will lose a turn: What has words but never speaks?

You've fallen into the most monstrous space on the board...The monster holds you back so you can't roll on your next turn.

You've fallen into a Yellow space. How lucky! You win the right to advance to the next Yellow space and you can also roll again.

You've landed on a Pink space You have to answer the question or go back a space: John bought 5 books and his sister Mary bought 3. How many books did they buy in total?