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Renewable Energy!

Renewable energy is energy that is collected from natural sources or processes that are constantly replenished. Renewable energy includes wind power, solar power, biomass, geothermal energy, and hydropower. On the other hand, there are nonrenewable energy sources such as fossil fuels (coal, oil, gas). These sources are considered nonrenewable since they are available in small amounts and take a very long time to replenish.


Wind power refers to the use of wind to create mechanical power through wind turbines which turn electric generators for electrical power. Wind power is much cleaner than using fossil fuels and has a small environmental impact. However, the turbines do need to be spread out which causes the landscape to look different and bring human technology into nature. This can affect habitats for various animals. Furthermore, wind turbines generate loud noise. Watch this video to learn more about wind power.

Solar power involves the conversion of energy which comes from sunlight into electricity using solar panels. Solar power itself does not create any harmful emissions, but the process of producing solar panels does create a certain amount of pollution. Watch this video to learn more about solar power.

Hydropower or hydroelectric power is power which comes from the energy of water that is running or falling quickly. This energy can be harnessed and used. Hydroelectric power is renewable and does not emit greenhouse gasses, but it does have negative impacts. Dams created for hydroelectric power ruin river ecosystems, damage habitats for wildlife, and interfere with fish migration. Watch this video to learn more about hydropower.

Renewable energy is energy that is collected from natural sources or processes that are constantly replenished. Renewable energy includes wind power, solar power, biomass, geothermal energy, and hydropower. On the other hand, there are nonrenewable energy sources such as fossil fuels (coal, oil, gas). These sources are considered nonrenewable since they are available in small amounts and take a very long time to replenish.