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Sustainability is defined as the ability of something to be maintained at a certain rate or level. However, when we talk about sustainability, we can be referring to environmental, social, or economic sustainability. Keep reading to learn more!

In order to be economically sustainable, we must take into account the consequences of our economic activities for both society and the environment. This includes things such as considering how long our products will last, how we extract raw materials, how we manufacture and distribute items, and how we recycle or dispose of items we are done using.

We can also describe a society as being sustainable. A society is sustainable when all members of the society have equal rights, benefit equally from being part of the society, and participate in decision-making for their society. However, a society also must not consume resources faster than they can be renewed, create more waste than nature can handle without negative consequences, or depend on resources that are far away for their basic needs in order to be sustainable. For example, a society that uses up natural resources more quickly than nature can regenerate them is not sustainable. They will not be able to continue living this way, and the nature around them will also be negatively impacted.

Everything we need comes from the environment: food, water, air, and more. When we talk about environmental sustainability, we’re talking about the ability for Earth and human civilization on the planet to coexist. If we want to continue to have enough resources to meet our needs, environmental sustainability is crucial. If we want to continue to have clean air, for example, we have to limit pollution.

1. Only purchase what you need. Think twice before buying. The more we consume, more resources are used, more manufacturing is done, and more waste is created. 2. Eat less meat. Meat is one of the biggest problems for climate change - raising livestock involves deforestation, as well as the pollution of land and water. 3. Use reusable alternatives when possible. Avoid single-use products which will end up in a landfill. For example, buy a metal water bottle instead of using disposable plastic water bottles. 4. Reuse and recycle. Make sure you put your waste in the correct bins. And try to reuse items as much as possible before you throw them out! 5. Buy local. When you buy groceries, clothes, and other items from local stores and businesses, you not only help your community, but also reduce the pollution caused by transporting goods from far away. 6. Donate unused items. Instead of throwing away a product or piece of clothing, donate it or give it to someone who could use it. 7. Avoid fast fashion. Fast fashion is cheap, trendy clothing that is produced quickly and in large quantities to try and make a profit. However, this is awful for the environment and often involves unethical labor practices. Try to wear sustainable clothing. The fast fashion industry is one of the worst industries for pollution on the planet. 8. Use eco-friendly cleaning products in your home. Many cleaning products contain chemicals that are harmful for the environment. Commit to using green cleaning products. 9. Don’t waste food. Try not to make more food than you need, and if you do, save the leftovers. If your leftovers go bad or if you don’t have enough to save, try composting. 10. Save water. If possible, install water-efficient toilets. You can also switch to a water-saving shower head. Turn off the tap when you brush your teeth. Be careful how much water you use to water your lawn.