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In 1944 the SOE (Special Operations Executive) drew up some plans to kill Hitler. The documents you are about to look at detail two of the proposed assassination plans that formed part of Operation Foxley. You are going back to 1944. As Head of SOE it is your job is to decide which of two ways of killing Hitler should be given the go-ahead. You must look at the dangers involved and the chances of success. You will then need to crack the code to see if it was a success

Operation Assassinate Hitler

Background Info....

Instructions: - Make sure that you click on the memes/pictures as they will often take you to an activity that you must complete for the clue...... - Ensure you read the pop-ups at the end of the activities. - You can click on some of the original documents as this will bring it up into a bigger area. - If you go wrong and need to return to a previous page just reload the Genially again.

Operation Assassinate Hitler

Look around for the first document

Look around for the next document

Click on here to load a bigger version of the document

Click here for activity


Click on the train to open the activity

Click on the poison

Find the next document

Click on the tea


Read the source carefully before clicking next for the activities!

Hover over the pictures to discover what they mean

How can we know if Hitler is in Obersalzberg?

Which are the correct pictures based on the source. Click on them to reveal correct or wrong and keep the answers safe.

How can we know if Hitler is in Obersalzberg?

Look for the next document

Click here when you've finished

This is to open the key to the map if you need to.

Click on the steps for the activity

This is a copy of the map

Click on the next document

Click on the memes for your 2 tasks

Find the last document

Click on the car

In Summary.....

Sniper, assassination, if fails, blow up car.

Poison 'i', Water tank used to make Hitler's drinks on train.

Plan B: Sniper

Plan A: Train

Write your report to the Prime Minister below on the plan the SOE have chosen to assassinate Hitler. Make sure to include: - What each plan is briefly - The positives of each plan - The negatives of each plan - Why you've chosen the plan you have and the exact details of this. You can be as creative as you like but there is a link to the Flipgrid on the page.

Now time to write your report

Head to the link below for your next challenge: Click on the computer below.

Now crack the cipher

Operation Foxley: what really happened

The proposals for the operation were submitted in November 1944 but was never authorised due to a division within the British government as to whether the removal of Hitler was a good idea. By then, he was considered by the British to be such a poor strategist that it was thought possible that candidates who would be in line to succeed him might present more of a challenge to the Allied war effort. They also argued that Germany was almost defeated, and if Hitler was assassinated, he would become a martyr figure to some Germans and possibly give rise to a myth that Germany might have been victorious if he had not been killed by underhand means, leading to the threat of more wars with Germany in the future. The debate in the British government divided opinion and so the operation was not authorised. Its approval was also undermined by a lack of reliable intelligence as to Hitler's daily routine at the Berghof to give the attack team a reasonable chance for success in the mission.Hitler left the Berghof for the last time on 14 July 1944, never to return, and committed suicide in Berlin on 30 April 1945, a few days before the war in Europe ended.

Operation Foxley what really happened