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Career Development Program


Vision, Mission & Values

What is CDP

How to Provide Feedback

Pay & Perks


Unique Selling Point

CDP 4 pillars

Manager's Form

Who we are

Gratitude & Appreciation

Lexidy Philosophy

The CDP review plan

Peers Form

Career Paths



10-Year Target



  • ¨Become the go-to legal service platform of the global citizen market helping 1 million people with their needs¨
  • ¨Building a world of borderless opportunities¨
  • ¨Providing simple, transparent, friendly 360º legal services¨


Vision, Mission & Values

  • 250 RPRS partners (100 legal and 20 other)
  • Retention, loyalty and refferal programs for clients
  • All the core processes are defined, documented and followed
  • Marketing strategy
  • 25 offices globally
  • Subscription model = 50% of the revenue
  • 360-degree alignment of vision andf purpose
  • 50% of the revenue from B2B
  • Guaranteed profitability of jurisdictions from 4th month
  • Strong leadership development capabilities
  • 3 inhouse developers
  • Clear product experience for different buyer personas
  • Maximum customer lifetime value: 80% are repeated clients
  • Demonstrated franchise model for scalin
  • Define and implement buyer persona for the key needs + marketing strategy
  • Implement new marketing strategies across client life cycles
  • Have 7+ consolidated profitable cities
  • Expansion model used
  • KPIs for all the processes are automatically tracked
  • Training and development program, policies and CDP are defined and implemented
  • Business process mapping across company is up-to-date and opportunities are identified for product development roadmap, 10 tools implemented.
  • 20% of staff is participating in innovation hub.
  • Consolidated + accurate source of data and clarity of tools to use / not to use
  • Hired new head of people RPRS with a new hiring model
  • Department goals and KPIsin a management system (kaizen)
  • Lead quality process improved to disqualified automation 66%
  • Revenue + Innovation incentive model for sales + service delivery communicated
  • Process mapping per department + trigger automated crosselling opportunities

Date: 31.12.2023Revenue: 6,3 M€ Profit: 15% Clients: 7.202 accumulated

3 - year Picture

1-year Plan

Q2 Rocks

Date: 31.12.2025Revenue: 14,3 M Profit: 30% Clients: 31.503 accumulated

Date: 30.06.2023Revenue: 1,6 M€Profit: 15%Clients: 6252 accumulated

Together, we are on our way.

The bigger picture

Customer feedback

Timely response rate

Client need/Lawyer matching

Client touch points

Lead Management




This is how we disrupt the industry!





Unique Selling Point

The goal is not to “be a boss”

The highest achievement is to learn and improve constantly in our service delivery, ensuring results, flow and happy clients.

Lexidy's career development process is a guideline created to align expectations with each employee.

We don't use titles. We are professionals collaborating and working in unison to provide services and peace of mind to our clients.

We promote a flat organisational structure, where everyone is client-facing and there is no limit to anyone's impact


Lexidy Philosophy

A Career Development Program serves as a measurement of expectations between the employees and the company.It focuses mostly on the levels of satisfaction of both parties, and overall goals within the company.Starts off by 1:1 sessions between managers and direct reports; followed up by a session with the People's team.


What is CDP?


Alignment with Lexidy Goals and Values


Key Performance Indicators: Customer Feedback Loop and Business generation indicators


Career Development and Continuous learning


Aligning Job Description and Accountability

Assessment is carried out and Goals are established across key pillars:


CDP 4 Pillars



CDP Review Plan

  • The corresponding form must be submitted in a timely manner.
  • All answers must be valued objetively based on the role, not the person. Please add details to gather as much valuable information possible.
  • Once the forms are complete, the People's team will book the sessions based on Personio's calendar. Please keep as updates as possible.
  • During your 1:1, the CDP pillars will be discussed based on your previously filled out form, as well as the feedback recieved from your peers.
  • All meetings are safe and confident spaces, feel free to discuss any matter you deem important for the success of your career.
  • You will recieve an email within a month of your scheduled meeting, containing a summary of the outcome, as well as the established goals, assigned training and adjustments agreed to.

How to Provide Feedback

Essential tips to guide a succesful 1:1 with your peers, so together we can learn, grow, find motivation and improve relationships.

Constructive: ongoing & consistent

Objective: goal referenced & specific

Assertive & Encouraging

Powerful questions:What do you think you should do more of?What would you do differently?

Be aware of your non-verbal communication

Give space for dialogue

Ongoing Appreciation

Let's cultivate gratitude & appreciation within our projects and teams in between CDP - All year long!

Recoginition of peers has a positive impact

Reflect & connect to the purpose

Make someone's day by sharing good vibes

Celebrate your colleagues on social media

Attention to milestones: work-versary, promotions, graduations

Share kuddos for great cases

A Guide to our career paths levels and accountabiliy chart


Who are we?

* Where Knowledge Leaders, Team Leads and Managers may have overlapping Pay grades based on business impact

KNOWLEDGE LEADER (eg: Legal Sales Lead - Max; Legal Tech Lead David)


DIRECTOR (Leadership team - eg. Head of Finance, Marketing, Product and People)

MANAGER (Head of Service Department, or Leader of Leaders such as Multi-Jurisdiction Heads)

TEAM LEAD (eg: Cristina Negro as City Manager)

EXPERT (Senior Lawyer or the non-Legal equivalent)

SPECIALIST (Lawyer or the non-Legal equivalent)

ENTRY (Trainee/ Paralegal)


can outweighth the other factors

Performance Evaluation

has a team to manage


overall impact of the role

expertise + studies + experience

Technical Skill


Basis for Job Category Scheme (base salary)


A full guide to compensation & benefits

Pay & Perks

O - Career development and salary evaluation

X - Performance evaluation





Direct Reports


Please fill out accordingly

The Forms

Thank You!

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