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Learn all about Learning Landscapes!


Learning Landscapes:

A powerful education tool

The foundation of a good Learning Landscape The foundation of this educational tool is to have clear the learning paths we want to develop, determining mandatory, optional, or reinforcing activities that are connected with the curriculum and that also allow the landscape to be adaptable and customizable to our students. To achieve this, we can use what is known as the programming matrix, which facilitates the designing of activities. The crossing of each box, convergent between the 8 Multiple Intelligences and the 6 levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy, allows the creation of balanced Learning Landscapes with coherent activities in terms of their cognitive strategy, necessary resources, objectives, and, of course, evaluation.

10 elements to design a Learning Landscape

  1. Title: what the activity is called.
  2. What intelligence and Bloom category it works with
  3. What learning objectives it pursues
  4. Challenge: what needs to be solved?
  5. Result or final product to be obtained
  6. Materials and documentation required for the activity.
  7. Run time.
  8. What evaluation criteria we will take into account.
  9. What rubric or evaluation tool will we use to assess the final product.
  10. The relationship it has with other activities in the matrix.

Create with Genially Digital tools like Genially are key to creating Learning Landscapes. Genially allows us to create interactive content in which our students navigate a narrative world with infinite stories in which spaces, characters, roles, and aesthetics are coordinated by creating a frame of reference and delimitation for learning.

Learning Landscapes are based on the meeting point between two major educational frameworks: The theory of multiple intelligences and Bloom’s Taxonomy.

  • Bloom’s Taxonomy is a framework in which we can organize and rank didactic activities according to the cognitive strategy used to solve them – that is, the way in which we act when learning. It states that there are 6 levels of learning mastery: remember, understand, apply, analyze, evaluate, and create.
  • The theory of multiple intelligences proposed by Howard Gardner is based on the fact that there is not a single intelligence, but that intelligence is composed of a set of multiple, different and independent abilities or intelligences. All people possess the 8 intelligences, which can develop – and this is key – until they reach different levels of competence. That is, intelligence is not a single fixed entity, but rather we can grow in different areas. Moreover, the intelligences interact with each other in a complex way, allowing a great diversity of intelligences, even within each category.

What are learning landscapes? Learning Landscapes are a pedagogical tool that allows us to generate personalized immersive learning environments for our students to achieve educational success. This powerful educational tool is based on the meeting point between two of the most widely known major educational innovations: The theory of multiple intelligences and Bloom’s Taxonomy. However, this is only the starting point from which to develop this pedagogical tool. We can set it up using other methodologies such as gamification, a flipped classroom model, or cooperative learning or project-based learning.