Auburndale Elementary Library Annual Report
Stephen Beck
Created on June 2, 2021
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Annual Report
Auburndale Elementary Library
- Goals
- NTI Book Loss
- Preface
- Thanks
- Programming
- Diversity Audit
- School Data
- Rationale
- 5-Year Plan
- Professional Development /Leadership Roles
- Usage
- Student Technology Use
- Scheduling/Student Visits
- MackinVIA Resource Stats
- Collaboration
- Collection Analysis
- Expenditures
- Mission Statement
The 2020-2021 school year brought about a number of new experiences and challenges. Students learning from home, teachers shifting to virtual teaching, and the rewards and challenges of being completely virtual for a majority of the school year were all major components of the school year. The library also experienced challenges. Physical book circulation was extremely low due students not having the materials available to check out. Additionally, events such as the book fair and other special programs were not as engaging and successful as in past years. Despite the challenges that were faced, however, there are many positives that came about as a result of the circumstances of the school year. Every student in our school gained access to technology. Our library gained a large of number of eBooks through joining with other schools in the MackinVIA Kentucky Shared Collection and purchasing individual eBooks. Students immediately embraced this new way of accessing books and reading materials. Our library was among the top MackinVIA users (number of searches and checkouts) in the tri-state area! Additionally, students had access to other digital tools and resources such as our GALE databases, KYVL, and a wealth of other online reading materials. Throughout the NTI experience, the library was a constant presence. Students met regularly for virtual library visits and engaged in fun lessons and activities. The promotion of literacy and a love of reading was a consistent message that the students received. As in the past, the library worked to meet the needs of students despite any challenges and will continue to strive to serve the school population!
2020-2021A Year Unlike Any Ohter
The mission of the Auburndale Elementary Library Media Center is to support and foster the intellectual, social, and personal development of students and educators by providing equitable access to information and resources, proffering instruction and guidance on the effective use of information, promoting a love of reading, and facilitating the integration of library skills into students' experiences.
Auburndale Elmentary Library Mission Statement
Holdings - 9,537Average Age of Collection - 2007 Books Weeded - 57 Books Circulated - 107
Collection Analysis (Physical Collection)
The loss of books was in service to students and their literacy needs. These books were in the hands of students throughout the COVID experience.
NTI Book Loss
MackinVIA Resource Stats
The challenges of the school year prevented in-person school events, author visits, and special programs. Plans are in place for these types of events to resume in the upcoming school year.
Our library once again participated in the Kentucky Bluegrass Award student-choice reading program. Students read nominees and voted for their favorite book in concert with other students across the state.
Two Virtual Scholastic Book Fairs took place during the 2020-2021 school year.
- Student Devices
- Daily communication took place in order to ensure that students had the technology and resources needed.
- Teachers and families were aided daily through tech support provided from the library. Training, troubleshooting, and device acquisition and replacement, as needed, were all provided through my role as STC and librarian.
- Virtual Bookshelves
- Several virtual bookshelves were created and shared with students and teachers to supplement and enrich topics that were being taught in the classes.
- Virtual bookshelves celebrating different cultures were also shared to aid teachers in providing diverse perspectives during their lessons.
- 5th Grade Backpack Defenses
- Students shared defense presentations to receive feedback and opportunities to practice their presentations in preparation of their formal defense.
- Provided students with guiding questions and resources to aid with the development of the backpack defenses.
- Collaborated with 5th grade teachers and school administration in scheduling defenses.
NTI 2.0
- Fully Fixed Schedule
- Each of the classes met once a week for Library.
- Students were also provided opportunities to request materials, ask questions, or seek further assistance.
- Designated time was alloted throughout the week to assist students, families, and teachers with technology needs and questions.
Hybrid Learning
- Fully Fixed Schedule
- Students were provided library time each day for a two/three week block. Library time was spent in the classroom. Students did not travel to library.
- Students that chose to remain in NTI were provided library instruction through recorded lessons.
SCheduling & Student Visits
- Students utilized Chromebooks and personal devices throughout NTI 2.0.
- Google Classroom was utilized to share library lessons, assignments, announcements, and resources.
- MackinVIA was heavily used in order to provide students and teachers access to eBooks. Students could also access ABDO Digital, Sora, TumbleBook Library, Unite for Literacy, and other online book sites in order to access digital books.
- GALE resources (Gale In Context & National Geographic Kids) were extensively used throughout the school year. Auburndale exceeded the district's established year end target for database usage.
- KYVL was also utilized by a multitude of students.
- Students received instruction and developed infographics in library utilizing the Google Suite of programs.
- Students added artifacts to their JCPS Digital Backpack of Success Skills.
Student Technology Use
Google Level 1 Certified
Member of Diversity Audit workgroup
LGBTQ+ Training & Resource Development
Digital Backpack Leader
School Technology Coordinator
LGBTQ+ Support Coach
50 Hours
Professional Development/Leadership Roles
Professional Development
Auburndale Elementary librarian, Stephen Beck, was a member of the Diversity Audit Workgroup. The workgroup worked to define "diversity" in library collections, test and choose an automated analysis tool, and aid in the development of the district Diversity Audit Process.
Diversity Audit Workgroup
Diversity IMprovement 5-Year Plan
A diversity audit of the fiction collection revealed that approximately 11.6% of the fiction section addresses some area of diversity. JCPS Library Media Services has established a target of 25% diversity for fiction collections. The 5-year plan outlined above will allow us to meet this target. The diversity focus for each year was selected based on school demographics as well as teacher and student surveys. Auburndale Elementary’s enrollment by race for the current school year is 23% Black, 19% Hispanic, and 10% Other. Approximately 47% of our students are female. 12% of our students have been identified as needing ECE instruction and services. Analysis of the Diversity Audit Report indicated a disproportionate number of fiction books featuring females compared to the number of female students. Additionally, teacher requests and student interest have shown a need for more books with BIPOC characters. The current percentage of fiction books featuring African American and Latinx main characters in the collection is disproportionate to the number of African American and Latinx students in the school population. In addition, teachers and students have expressed an increased interest in books with LGBTQ characters and books about students with disabilities.
Diversity IMprovement Plan Rationale
- Work to bring age of collection (2007) closer to recommended average age (currently 2011) through new acquisitions and weeding.
- Purchase ficiton books that feature diverse characters and reflect different cultural experiences.
- Increase circulation of physical books
- Recently updated Special Area schedule will aid in this endeavor
- Seek out more opportunities to collaborate with teachers
- Recently updated Special Area schedule will aid in this endeavor
- Increase use of Flipped Learning in the library