Want to make creations as awesome as this one?

Introduction to the Mythopoeia project - 1A Liceo Classico Quadriennale, Istituto Madonna della Neve (Adro). What happens when we take Greek Myths and we place them in our modern life? The students will find out by using archetypes and stereotypes, and a whole lot of creativity

More creations to inspire you



have your significat other look for you in the Net and play your quiz!


what if zeus was one of us?

be the odysseus of the net!

work in team

learn about them, find out their stories. What if they lived today?

find your heroes

be creative, make the most out of your skills working in your group. Contribute to create a website


the website

Mythopoeia - the project

Work in team You team is the perfect place to show off your creative skills, or find the raw diamond sparkling inside you! What's the best contribution you can give? Are you an artist? Are you good at languages? Let's find out!

where are we going?

who are we?

What if Zeus was one of us? Just like in Percy Jackson's books, all Greek Mythology moved West in the course of time. Read about your heroes, the stereotypes that made them famous and the archetypes they represent