An introduction to L2LPs in MFL
Created on June 1, 2021
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Junior Cycle MFLLevel 2 Learning Programmes (L2LPs)
Level 2 Learning Programmes (L2LPs) are a pathway for students with particular special educational needs (students with general learning disabilities in the higher functioning moderate and low functioning mild categories). The special needs of these students is such as to prevent them from accessing some or all of the subjects and short courses on offer at junior cycle that are broadly aligned with Level 3 of the National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ).
What are L2LPs?
L2LPs are designed to provide curricular access to a small number of students (2-3% nationally), who have been assessed as having general learning disabilities in the low mild to high moderate range.
How many students follow the L2LPs?
There are five Priority Learning Units (PLUs): Communication and Literacy, Numeracy, Personal care, Living in a Community and Preparing for work. Students undertaking L2LPs need to cover all the PLUs.Occasionally, there may be a student undertaking L2LPs for whom recognition of learning in some subjects at Level 3 is also accessible. These students should be accommodated to undertake learning at both levels so all of their achievements may be recognised.
How does it work?Integrating L3 and L2
In an MFL class, a student following the L2LPs will follow learning outcomes from the PLUs (Priority Learning Units). MFL teachers can find suggestions of potential links between PLUs learning outcomes and MFL learning outcomes on the linking document (available by clicking on the italics).
How does it work?Learning and Teaching
Assessment of Level 2 Learning Programmes is school-based.Students will compile a portfolio from First to Third year. This portfolio will be multi-modal (audio / video / text).The porfolio will be used to assess the student's achievements.
How does it work?Assessment and Reporting
For more information