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Life below water! Life below water , a constant challenge for the aquatic ecosystems!

NAME: DumeFIRST NAME: Florentina-Andreea- ZorițaCLASS: aX-aB

The seas and oceans make up a complex three-dimensional world that covers 71% of the planet's surface. This world is home to thousands of more or less known marine animals.Many of them are still undiscovered. The highest depth recorded is in the Pacific Ocean, 10,882 meters. Deep water is considered a special area because there the water pressure is very high and there is no light. And yet there is life.

Life below water!

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A completely different world, marine life offers a unique experience to any researcher dedicated to it. Spectra of different colors, unseen landscapes, strange creatures, a complex ecosystem that few have the chance to explore not fully, but at least a little.

The long-nosed seahorse is a special species of saltwater fish.Did you know that .. Male seahorses can give birth. Seahorses are the only fish that can swim upright -The sea horse has no natural enemies, except for the crab with pockets, because it is bony and indigestible. -The reversal of roles leads to fights between females to attract the attention of males.

The long-nosed seahorse

The parrot fish belongs to the order Perciformes, family Scaridae. It can be found in tropical waters around the world.Parrot fish have the most complex reproductive system of all fish.


-Jellyfish, also known as jellies or sea jellies, are part of Cnidaria.-Jellyfish are found in all oceans from the surface to the depths.

Did you know that .. -The body of a jellyfish is made up of 98% water. -Has jellyfish become the most popular "pet"? -The latest trend in pets is the domestication of jellyfish.-Jellyfish are able to survive in oxygen-poor or high-iodine waters.


Giant shell

The royal starfish

Orca whale

The waters of the oceans and seas, like many beautiful places on Earth, hide in their depths spectacular creatures of special beauty, as we never imagined. Whether they are spiky, carnivorous, intelligent or very colorful, they are worth knowing.

Spectacular creatures


Ocean life

Ocean life the amazing underwater



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