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over the last few centuries, reading has involved billions of people. reading can be interesting, it allows people to open up to the world and to others and to learn about new things.


who reads lives a world full of lives, who is not a reader lives only their own life.Reading not only makes us aware and prepared people on the most varied topics, but it is also a way to escape from reality and travel far with the imagination.

Reading makes you free and aware but it is also the best way to escape from everyday reality without having to leave home. A good book is the best companion for lonely days, moments of relaxation and when you have to face a long journey. Getting lost in the narrative of epic, sentimental or dramatic adventures takes away your worries and allows you to distract yourself from the present.

Reading is the best medicine to heal the wounds of the soul, to understand what to do in certain situations and to find a hypothesis for a solution to the problems that are being faced. Everyone should use it, in fact, at any age there is a book suitable for every occasion and every moment of life.

In order to promote the importance of reading among people, UNESCO has established World Book and Copyright Day. On this occasion, events are organized all over the world with the aim of making people understand the beauty of reading and the contribution that the authors have given and still give