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Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun. Mercury is also the smallest planet in the Solar System. Mercury has the most craters in the Solar System. Mercury doesn’t have any moons. Mercury orbits the Sun faster than any other planet - one year in Mercury is only about 88 Earth days.

Mercury (Mercurius) was the Roman god of commerce, often serving as a mediator between the gods and mortals, his winged feet giving him the advantage of speed, and so was the patron of circulation in general - of people, goods and messages.

Mercury is a chemical element with the symbol Hg and atomic number 80. It is commonly known as quicksilver and was formerly named hydrargyrum . A heavy, silvery d-block element, mercury is the only metallic element that is liquid at standard conditions for temperature and pressure; the only other element that is liquid under these conditions is the halogen bromine, though metals such as caesium, gallium, and rubidium melt just above room temperature.