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Spain faces the Pandemic

How has IES Emilio Jimeno organized the learning?

Distance Learning

From 14th March 2020 to the end of the school year.

Closing of the schools

And chaos arrived...

On Saturday 14th March 2020, Spanish Government decreeted state of emergency to stop spread of coronavirus COVID-19. Previously, on 13th March, the Schools were informed they were be closed during this period, and activities should continue in the modality of Distance Learning.

During the first weekend, the School created all the structures considering to be needed to be able to "teach online":

  1. Enable all the needed Google tools in the school's domain.
  2. Anticipate the structures that could be useful to create.
  3. Try to train teachers to use the different tools.
  4. Stablish the ways of communication among teachers, students and families.

How did the school organized?

  1. Some students didn't have digital media to follow the process of online learning. The school tryed to solve the situation, but it was not always possible.
  2. Some students didn't have the needed discipline to continue with the process at home.
  3. Some teachers didn't have the skills needed to continue with the process of teaching online

With difficulties , the school year arrived to its end

From 10th September 2020 to now.

Start of the new school year

From the end of January, all the students have been at school!

The instructions were to start the school with the youngest students dayly at school and the students from 3rd year of secondary compulsory studies, at school one day and the next one at home (with distance learning). The school had to create a contingency plan to face this challenge