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To play with our eTwinning partners!!





Each turn, each player thows the dice and advances. If there is a question, a wrong answer means going back!!








Name 4 plant species that you eat

Define “recycling”

Which chemical molecule is vinegar?

Name 5 kinds of waste

When we mix baking soda and vinegar, we obtain...

Name 4 common products made of plàstic

Go back and miss one turn !

Explain why we have to separate kinds of rubbish

Which chemical molecule is baking soda?

Which international association proposes the SDG?

Go back!

Go back!

Go back!

Go back!

Say the name of our eTwinning project

Why is plastic a problem in our seas and oceans?

Which is the abbreviation of our eTwinning project?

Why an oxigen atom mix with two hidrogen atoms to form water (H2O), and not a diferent proportion?

Name 4 species that live below water

Name 2 disadvantages of being women in our planet

The SDG are objectives for the year...

Which is the SDG 4?

How is the density of CO2 compared to the air? Heavier or lighter?

What does "Flash of Genius" means?

Name 3 kind of natural disasters

Which is the SDG 7?

Opposite of illness

Which is the SDG 13?

Name 5 fruits that you may eat

The name of the set of all humans

What does "affordable and clean energy" means?

Name 4 endangered species that live on land

Why a C atom mix with two O atoms in CO2, and not a diferent proportion?

How is called the agriculture without pesticides nor chemicals?

Name 4 animal species that you may eat

Which is the SDG 5?

Which SDG number is "Peace, justice and strong institutions"?

Which is the SDG 14?

Which is the SDG 3?

Which is the SDG 15?