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Heritage celebration 
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Heritage celebration

Martin Luther King

“We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope.”



music related to the heritage

In Panama, as a result of the mixture of races and cultures, music has, especially the result that has occurred in recent years between Andalusian traditions, American, Iberian and African traditions.



Black Afro-Panamanians represent 20% of the total Panamanian population. However, the vast majority of them are mestizo, highlighting the mulattoes with 24% and the zambos with 12%. Therefore, it could be said that 56% of the Panamanian population is Afro-descendant or has an African ancestor.



Currently, there is 41% of the Afro-descendant population in Panama, where only 5% is of the black race, the rest is made up of mestizos between mulattoes and zambos. Which is clearly seen as these make up an important part of the Panamanian population.

Heritage celebration


The presence of black men and women in the American continent dates back to the 16th century, when they were brought in to replace the indigenous population in some jobs. Since their arrival in the Isthmus of Panama, they have made valuable contributions in physical, intellectual, sport, cultural, gastronomic and religious work to contribute, like the other ethnic groups of the country, forged from this Isthmus of Panama.

Precursor of the Heritage movement


Many have been the cultural samples in our national identity that Afro-descendants have contributed, both in dances, music, costumes, gastronomy, as well as in the educational and sports fields. Dances: a histrionic richness includes the diversity of dances that represent the Afro-descendant culture.

Cultural aspects


There are santeros, but also a spiritual religion, brought by Afro-descendants from the Caribbean islands. Nor is it a Catholic, Baptist tradition. It is that, a religion with African roots.



Women usually wear the famous ovana or rap on their heads, which only they know how to design with techniques that are passed down from generation to generation. With ovana, they cover either the whole head or part of it. It is a tradition for black women to wear braids in their hair, which today is honored in contests and parades.





Folk music is linked to popular dances and poetry, which in many cases has been a source of inspiration for cultured music.

It is characterized because it is rich in the use of seafood, in addition to the use of spices and condiments that give that peculiar flavor and, so unique, that they are liked by nationals and foreigners.




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