Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


  • Big Ben
  • Natural History Museum
  • Covent Gardens
  • Shakespeare's globe
  • four
  • three
  • two
  • five
  • a shark
  • a lion
  • a dog
  • a giraffe

Hey Miriam, have you ever been to London Eye? Have a look around...What animal can you see on the blue poster by the wheel?How many benches can you see?What can you see on the other side of the river on the left?

Come on Miriam, let's go and buy some clothes. In this shop they have a red jumper, orange trousers, a yellow hat, a purple t-shirt, a pink skirt, a green jacket, a blue dress and a white shirt.


@flaticon FREEPIK

Group an image with this box, it will appear when the player loses. It only appear after all boxes have been filled in.

Group this element with the "check" button or text.

This elements needs to be on your page to work. It will be invisible

Optional: If you add this invisible element to your page, the number of correct/incorrect answers will only be displayed when the check button is pressed.

This optional item is to be grouped with a BOLD Genially text (which you can change the appearance) in which the number of wrong answers will be displayed.

This optional item should be grouped with a BOLD Genially text (which you can change the appearance of) in which the number of correct answers will be displayed.

Group an image with this box, it will appear when the player wins.

The box is to be grouped with a bullet point list containing the options. The 1st option on the list must be your correct one, the options will be displayed in random order.You can change the appearance and font by using the yellow slide.

  • option 1 (correct)
  • option 2
  • option 3
  • etc....