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Anne Frank

In the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp

Frankfurt, Germany


Best known for writing a diary

Died:March 1945 at the age 15

Born: June,12 1929



Anne Frank was born in Frankfurt, Germany on June 12, 1929. Her father Otto Frank was a businessman while her mother ,Edith, stayed at home taking care of Anne and her older sister Margot.Anne was an outgoing child.Growing up she had a lot of friends.Anne liked to read and she dreamed of being a writer someday.

Since its publication, the Diary of a Young Girl has been traslated in more than 60 languages.It's considered by many to be one of th most important books of the twentieth century.

Anne who aspired to be a journalist , wrote while in hiding, detailing life how she experienced it, as well as writing numerous short stories she hoped one day to write.

Her diary

"For her 13th birthday Anne received a diary .She began writing in it almost immediately addressing it to "Kitty", unaware that in a month she would be forced into hiding for being Jewish.

That day she began writing in the book: “I hope I will be able to confide everything to you, as I have never been able to confide in anyone, and I hope you will be a great source of comfort and support.”

This is the last photograph taken of them before leaving Germany.

They move to the Netherlands.

In late December, 1933, the Frank family decides to leave Germany to escape the rising Anti-Semitism.


  • the Nazi party in 1921 and Chancellor of Germany in 1933.
  • The first concentration camp at Dachau is established in March of 1933 mainly for anyone who speaks out against Hitler and the Nazi party.
  • Nazis pass anti-Jewish measures. (Between 1933 and 1939, FOUR HUNDRED laws were passed in an attempt to isolate, exclude, and impoverish Jews.)

1921-1939 in Germany:

  • Jews must wear a Yellow Star.
  • Bicycles must be turned in.
  • Jews are banned from trains, cinemas, parks, playgrounds, and swimming pools.
  • They may only shop between 3 and 5 p.m. and only in Jewish shops.
  • Jews may not visit Christians.
  • They may only attend Jewish schools.
  • Curfew for Jews is 8 o’clock.
  • The Netherlands surrended to Germany in May, 1940.
  • Anti-Jewish measures become law. Their purpose is to drive Jews into poverty, isolate them, and eventually exterminate them.

1940: in the Netherlands:

Margot Frank receives her call-up notice. She is ordered to report for deportation to a labor camp on July 5, 1942, along with thousands of other Jews in Amsterdam. She has to go to a labour camp in Germany. Otto and Edith have no intention of allowing their daughter to be sent to Nazi Germany.


Fritz Pfeffer moves in with the families. Anne changes his name to Dussel.

Anne changes the Van Pels to the Van Daans in her diary.

Inhabitants of the Secret Annex



Anne and Margot succumb to typhus in March 1945 in Bergen-Belden concentration camp, a few weeks before the camp is liberated by the British Army.

At approximately 10 am, August 4, 1944, the Frank family's greatest fear comes true. A Nazi policeman and several Dutch collaborators appear at 263 Prinsengracht, having received an anonymous phone call informing them that Jews are hiding there. The police head straight for the bookcase that leads to the Secret Annex.The residents are arrested and then sent to concentration camps.

Watch this video

Watch Anne's secret annex

Holocaust: What is it?

The Holocaust is one of the most terrible events in human history.It occurred during World War II when Hitler was leader of Germany. Six million jewish people were murdered by the Nazis. This included as many as I million jewish children. MiIlions of other people that Hitler didn't like were killed as well. This included Polish people, Catholics, Serbs, and disabled people. It is thought that the Nazis murdered as many as 17 million innocent people. Hitler hated jewish people and blamed them for Germany losing World War 1. He considered jewish people to be less than human. Hitler also believed in the superiority of the Aryan race. Hitler wrote in his book Mein Kampf that when he became ruler he would rid Germany of all the jews. Not many people believed he would really do this, but as soon as he became Chancellor he started his work against the jews. He made laws that said jews had no rights. Then he organized attacks on jewish businesses and homes.

All Jewish people were eventually to be brought to concentration camps. They were told they were relocating to a new and better place, but this was not the case. Concentration camps were like prison camps.

Concentration camps

During World War II when the Nazis would take over a city in Europe they would force all of the jewish people into one area of town. This area was called a ghetto and was fenced in with barbed wire and guarded. There was little food, water, medicine available. It was also very crowded with multiple families sometimes sharing a single room to live in


People were forced to do hard labor. The weak were quickly killed or died of starvation. Some camps even had gas chambers. People would be led into the chambers in large groups only to be killed with poison gas. The concentration camps were horrible places.

Concentration Camps of Europe

Oskar Schindler and the Holocaust Oskar Schindler (1908–1974) was a German industrialist who became a hero of World War II when he saved hundreds of Jews from death in Nazi concentration camps. Oskar Schindler was born in 1908 in Moravia, which is now in the Czech Republic. His family was Catholic and his father had a small factory. When Oskar finished school, he worked in the family business. He... See web page


Oral final thoughts

  • In your opinion, is it important to commemorate this historical facts nowadays?
  • What is your opinion about the Holocaust?
  • What would you like to say to Anne?

Reflecting on activities

prof. Maria Arduino

Thank you!