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Research project infographic about LFP signals obtained through DBS technology and how they can be used as biomarkers identifying Parkinson's disease symptoms.

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Local Field Potentials (LFP)

Is the electric potential recorded in the extracellular space in brain tissue, typically using micro-electrodes implanted during Deep brain stimulation (DBS) surgery

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Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is an elective surgical procedure in which electrodes are implanted into certain brain areas. These electrodes, or leads, generate electrical impulses that control abnormal brain activity. The electrical impulses can also adjust for the chemical imbalances within the brain that cause movement disorders. Stimulation of brain areas is controlled by a programmable generator placed under the upper chest's skin.


Leads or electrodes

Normal neural activity can be represented as a 1/f curve in the LFP power spectrum. When there are peaks in this graph, it represents the hypersynchronization of the neuronal activity.

LFP signals seem to be constant over time and specific for each patient. Through this signals, specific peaks in frequency have been characterized as biomarkers for symptoms of Parkinson's disease


LFP signals are biomarkers for Parkinson's disease symptoms. Peaks in beta are related to patient symptoms like rigidity and tremor.

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Peaks in alpha and gamma frequencies are still being studied and are necessary for the implementation of adaptive DBS. Adaptive DBS (aDBS) aims to create an environment where the signals create a closed-loop interaction with the neurostimulator and have real-time feedback on what the patient need. This stimulation is the future of DBS and it is very important to apply LFP signals as they have shown great use as biomarkers.

Types of DBS technology used in studies

A coated wire with a number of electrodes at the tip delivers electric pulses to the brain tissue where it is implanted.

A programmable battery-powered pacemaker device that creates electric pulses. It is placed under the skin of the chest below the collarbone or in the abdomen.