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The Aiguabarreig Segre-Cinca, located in the south-west of Catalonia, is the largest river confluence in the Iberian Peninsula; and, as its name indicates, this place is a unique meeting point for the cabales of three rivers (the Segre, the Cinca and the Ebro). The confluence of the Cinca and Segre rivers occurs right between the municipalities of Massalcoreig and La Granja d'Escarp (Segrià). A few more kilometers to the south, already in the municipality of Mequinenza (Zaragoza, Bajo Cinca region) the influx of these waters into the Ebro river occurs.ng elit, sed diam nonummy nibh.


  • Iberian sly slyling: it is a snake-like lizard, whose ovoviparous females stop fully developed offspring and automomas
  • Friar or blenium fish: it is an indigenous species in frank regression but that finds a favorable habitat for its development in the sandy bottom.
  • Otter: is a mammal that moves like a sigh in the rivers of the Aiguabarreig; although with a very fluctuating population over the past two decades, its presence is detected by accumulations of excrement in rocks and logs

LOREM Ipsum dolor sit

  • The Aiguabarreig de Mequinenza is part of the domain of the Mediterranean sclerophyllous vegetation.
  • The riparian vegetation has a Eurosiberian character
  • They also offer excellent conditions for the prevention of dehydration of insect populations that live occasionally or permanently.

LOREM Ipsum dolor sit


  • Among the riverside communities we find poplar groves, formations characterized by the dominance of poplar and poplar, some alder and to a lesser extent ash trees
  • In a second layer we find willows and tamarinds.
The shrub stratum is mainly made up of brambles, which form masses of a certain volume, and the roldón, which is not very frequent. We also find the typical liquorice.
  • There are also some helophyte species such as Phragmites australis or Typha domingensis.
  • The egrets, together with the marinete and the little egret, are the most abundant nesting fires in the forests of the Aiguabarreig bank


  • The lesser kestrel, like its older brother the common or esparvel kestrel, are frequent in the open spaces, steppe, that surround the Aiguabarreig


Juan the ornithologist answered some questions we asked him and this is the video where his answers are


¡Thank you!