Want to make creations as awesome as this one?

By Leire Rueda, Elisabeth Tavkin and Alexandra Tudor


Grilled vegetables

Leire Rueda, Elisabeth Tavkin and Alexandra Tudor


  1. What are typical recipes
  2. How healthy is this kind of diet
  3. What is the dietary value of the dishes
  4. Claçotada
  5. Artichoke

1. What are typical recipes

Coc de Fraga Farinetas/Farinos Empanadico Moustaches

2. How healthy is this food

3. What is the dietary value of the dishes

4. Calçotada

Calçotada is a typical food of Catalonia. Its origin is attributed to the city of Valls, in the Alto Campo region of Tarragona, but thanks to its character as a community food it has been spreading, and is currently eaten throughout the community.It consists of the calçots cooked with the flame of the vine shoots (redoltes), soaked in their sauce.

5. Artichoke

The artichoke is an immature inflorescence of green or purple color. It is consumed in many different ways and its flavor is highly appreciated.