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Laura Rodríguez

Nataly Peña

Norma Benavides

Nathalia Rubiano

Lorena Díaz

Natalia Echeverry

Agueda Cabarcas

Carolina Galeano

Laura García

Diana Tarazona

Marta García

Edna Marín Coordinadora PEP

Edgar Méndez

Andrea Florez

Juan Felipe Yañez

Jairo Ladino

Andrea Chalhoub

Luis Eduardo Rivas Rector

Ana María Grisales Coordinadora pre-escolar y primaria

Nancy Franco

Julian Murillo

Juli Andrea Sosa

Laura Rodríguez

Nataly Peña

Norma Benavides

Nathalia Rubiano

Lorena Díaz

Natalia Echeverry

Agueda Cabarcas

Carolina Galeano

Laura García

Diana Tarazona

Marta García

Edna Marín Coordinadora PEP

Edgar Méndez

Andrea Florez

Juan Felipe Yañez

Jairo Ladino

Andrea Chalhoub

Luis Eduardo Rivas Rector

Ana María Grisales Coordinadora pre-escolar y primaria

Nancy Franco

Julian Murillo

Juli Andrea Sosa

Expo-PEP 2021

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Isabella Díaz

María Gabriela Valdés

Josué Díaz

Emilia Mantilla

Salomé Mora

Isabel Sofía Maturana

Andrés Felipe Rodríguez

Sebastián Delgado

Juan Jacobo Gómez

Samuel Jiménez

Lucas Newmark

Silvana Córdoba

Mathew Sáenz

Albert Newmann

Emiliano Estrada

Martina Forero


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Sebastián Baquero

Lieli De la Torre

Luciano Dávila

Sofía Aldana

Sofía Jaramillo

Nicolás Yañez

María Paz Sarmiento

Gabriel Bray

María José Gómez

Elena García

Juan Tomás Murillo

Martín Hoyos

María Paz Ailan



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TITLE: VIRREY'S OLD HOUSE DESCRIPTION In this artwork I wanted to tell a very special story about my experience being in the Virrey's house. I was surprised how history was in every corner of this incredible place.

HOW TECHNOLOGY SUPPORTS THEATER By: Sebastián Baquero Andrade Did you know that there are more than 100 people working behind the scenes? According to Quiñonez, (2019) , the first instruments that were created in the theater were those of percussion, these sounds if you hit or beat like the drum, maracas and pandereta. The theater was created by rituals. Those people did it in honor of the king of wine. There were tribes from Mesoponia and Africa who danced and sang and created rhythms with rituals and told stories about their hunting of animals. According to Peterson (2021), in the theater people are very important, there are plays that may have more that 100 people working behind the scenes and each person helps in a very important thing in the theater. For example, the playwright is the person who writes the play, the director is the person who directs the play , the scenographer is the person in charge of finding all the decoration elements for the escenes, the musicalizer is the person in charge of finding the right music for production. The makeup artist is the person in charge of applying the makeup for the characters in the production. If we didn't have the people, we couldn't move the scenes. There are very large elevators that lift the scenes and that helps a lot, but if there aren't people, the technology does not work. According to Peterson (2021), technology and people are the most important things in the theater. A very important thing is the elevator; these are the ones who lift the scenes to change faster from one point to another that is controlled by the people. If the people were not in the theater there would not be the technology, but it is also controlled by humans so, without people there is no theater work. People make it work, for example the illuminator helps us to illuminate the stage and the actors, the makeup artist helps us to put ourselves in the skin of another person or the director helps us to create the whole work to say which feelings to express. After all this information we already know that theater expresses many emotions and feelings, we know that people and technology are the most important of all, we know that each person has a specific role that helps in large details,I know a part of the history of the theater, where it started and how it was created. Finally, as I have said before about the history of theater and people, people are very important. Each person is dedicated to a job, if there were no people it would be very difficult to put together a perfect play. The theater was created by ceremonies and dances and rituals of their own. while they danced, created music and rhythms, the theater that we know today was created.


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TITLE: Beauty in the dark DESCRIPTION: This artwork was inspired in my daily training in vaulting and how I started to train with my partner making a choreography together. Also how much vaulting inspires me and makes me happy and how something small can make a big difference in our lives. It is also inspired on my PYP Exhibition investigation and what I learned.

THE HALF OF THE HUMAN AND THE HORSE IN VAULTING By: Lieli De la Torre Goldwasser Did you know that technology is used in vaulting because technology is not only the devices but everything that has been created and has been evolving over time? According to the vaulting teacher from La Escuela de La sabana Rosely (2020), most of the people do not know what vaulting is and when the people say that it is to do gymnastics on a horse, people say that it is bad for the horses but actually it is what keeps them alive. But, if you know now about vaulting you will understand that vaulting is one of the healthiest sports for the horse and the horse raider, for example the equestrian Colombian federation (year) pointed out that the vaulters could train during quarantine because the horses need to do sports because if they do not, they cannot digest properly and they can day. I consider that the practice of vaulting is healthy for the raider and also for the horse. I am a vaulter and I will explain the benefits of vaulting. According to the vaulting teacher from La escuderia Fernanda Posada (2020), first, it helps you to learn about the animal and if you are scared of horses. Vaulting is going to help you to not be afraid anymore and also that helps you to trust in any animal. Also, vaulting helps people that have too much energy because it can make you feel relaxed. That is why many people practice vaulting. These are just some examples to understand why people like to practice vaulting. Now I am going to explain to you what you do in vaulting. According to Roseli (2019), Fernanda (2020) La federación ecuestre de Colombia (2021), in vaulting you learn to have more flexibility and you also learn to manage your body better and you learn how to do different exercises, also when you do vaulting you learn how to do gymnastics, how to sit and to move when you are doing horse riding and the stability and flexibility that you need for ballet and different types of dances. I know about this because I had done all of these sports for a long time and some of my friends still practice them, so, I had asked my friends and my teachers and I had done interviews with them and that’s why with my experience and my contacts I have collected all this information. In conclusion, people think vaulting damages the horse's health, but it doesn't, because that's what keeps them alive, and breathing. They have to exercise, we had always thought that the health of animals was provided only by food and about just letting them in the stable, however, I hope that with this information you understand now that the health of humans and horse health also includes vaulting and other sports. It is not only about the food; it is also to do exercise and to take care of yourself and your animal. If your activity or sport includes the participation of an animal, but if you do not consider how this sport or activity has helped you, you will not know that that is what keeps you and the animal healthy. I hope this was useful for you and that you understand that vaulting and other sports with animals are not bad for them, because normally it is what keeps them healthy, alive and it is also good for you to exercise your body and it helps with your health.




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TITLE: Crazy World DESCRIPTION: I decided to create an art work and I wanted to express that any kind of animal can have disabilities and that it does not matter which animal is, they can have technology to help them. Also I want to say by my artwork that animals with disabilities live in a very crazy world because they can't do what other animals can.

DISABLED ANIMALS By: Sofía Jaramillo López Did you know that animals with disabilities can be helped in different ways? A disability is a condition when animals have an issue with their mobility or way of expression (VCA, 2021). Some animals never get to walk again because of a disability but some others heal very fast. You can help animals in more than 3 ways, and technology can help almost all kinds of animals. Some people think animals should not be helped because it is a waste of money. Well, I consider that any kind of animal can have technology help (Campana, 2019). Why do I think that any kind of animal can be helped? Humans have enough technology for solving many problems in humanity, and I think it won’t be fair we do not help animals, we are making a living on what animals give us and without them we will not have almost anything. When I say that we have enough technology I mean that we have more than 3 ways for helping animals, and if you have the option of assisting an animal you can do it, and not just your pet, you can help the animals on the street. Then, we can give animals a better life with the help of technology. This way, we can give another use to the technology and also, we can assist more animals, not just dogs and cats, we can also help wild animals (Susie, 2017) Besides, there are some other reasons why it is important to assist animals and some ways of helping. So, there is a device named 3D printing, it was created in 1976 by Charles W Hull. This is like a machine that can create any kind of prosthesis which can adapt to many animals, this is the most popular one and be sure that it helps many animals with disabilities. There is also the common prosthesis, this one can’t help many animals, basically it is not very functional because it can’t be adapted to all the parts of the body, it is just used for paws or tails, there are many kinds of prosthesis for different functions. Instead of abandoning your pet because it has a disability, you can try with all this kind of prosthesis and give another opportunity to an animal. If you don’t want to take care of your pet because it is a waste of money or because you think there is no need to do it, you just need to think that animals are also living beings and they need to be cared for by someone (Fedorova, 2016). In conclusion, if you have a disabled animal or you see one of them, the best thing to do is to try to help it, taking it to the vet. Try to assist the animal, not just to help your pet, you can also assist animals you find on the streets or at any other place. Also, do not just help them in terms of physical disability, but you can also assist them in the physiological way. Do not mistreat them by shouting at them or not giving attention to these animals.




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DESCRIPTION: This artwork was made to see an environment with technology and living a happy life.

TECHNOLOGY; THE FRIEND OF ENVIRONMENT By: Gabriel Bray Becerra Did you know that according to the UN (2018) about 70 million tons of pollution were emitted to the atmosphere only in the United states? Almost every year tons of pollution and contamination are emitted to the atmosphere by humans. People mainly want money and do not care about the environment and if you wonder about all things that can pollute the world, well, there are many things like: car gases, machinery, and daily products. Even though we have challenges to have a more sustainable life, there are way more little things that can help us to improve through technology. Contamination began 240 years before the industrial revolution and the first evidence of contamination was in South America on a glaciar of Quelccaya on the peruvian Andes because of human activity. This was the first time that contamination was in the air and it was because of the burn of fossils and carbon on earth. We can change how the world is right now by changing methods, so the world is becoming worse and we need to stop a lot of people saying that technology and the making of it can damage the environment and that the creation of technological things can damage the world.Have you heard about bamboo toothbrushes? Well, they are one of those cool and eco friendly inventions as technology can help too. According to Sync worker web, the contamination isn't something new because about 240 year ago trash and contamination evidence was found meaning that the contamination is very old, and some real science investigations according to the (UN 2021) the contamination isn't anything new as technology machines have found real contamination from a lot of years in the past, So as technology have show us a lot of the contamination we could tell that the technology can help the pollution and contamination exploring and helping to fight it. In conclusion, as the world is going, it is not a lie that we are contaminating the world and the pollution is killing animals too, but as we are contaminated we can be cleaned, right? As we know there are a lot of ways to use technology for helping the environment and some of them we can see on the street like electric cars or simply things like a bamboo toothbrush. It is incredible but as you can see there are also many little ways to start causing damage to the world, such as throwing trash on the streets, but it can actually make more difference than you think. So for me we can save the world by making little changes that could seem like nothing but can change and that not only me think like these, there are many companies working for saving the world, so we could start by those little acts and transform them into the world without that much pollution and a more green world.




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DESCRIPTION: With this artwork I wanted to represent a way to train your dog at home instead of going to a special place.

DOG TRAINING TECHNIQUES By: Sofia Aldana Melo Some people think that dog training is not necessary, but others think that it is a good idea, who is right? Dog training is the action of making a disobedient dog, obedient. Training more than anything are the tricks that are taught to a dog, they are not necessarily natural for a dog. The dog training started around 127-116 BC. by an roman farmer named Marcus Varro, who registered some tips for the breeding of dogs to graze the cattle.Animaltraining.com Ago 4,2017 Sometimes instead of taking your dog to a special place in which they train it, nowadays you can train your dog in your house! However, sometimes training your dog at home is not a great idea, if you do not know which tools you can use. I consider that dog training can be easier by using technology. According to my own experience using an app (every doggy), my dog now knows how to give the paw. In that app they show you some tips for training your dog at home. They show some options with different tricks for your dog, in each trick they explain each step in a video or they write each step. For it becomes easier to understand, they also show the materials that you are going to need, like reward and authority. Besides, in the app they publish some users’ comments like this: …"Nunca pensé que mi perro fuera tan increíblemente inteligente. Con every doggy hemos aprendido 5 nuevos trucos ! literalmente en solo una semana¡"be-lucky (every doggy, 2021) According to an interview with an ethologist named Augusto Cuellar. He said that there are some ways to say good job to your dog instead of giving many prizes. There is a way to congratulate them without pronouncing the words good job or great job. A way to congratulate your dog is using a clicker. A clicker is a box with a button, when you click it, it produces a sound that is like a “click". But what is the clicker? The clicker is behavior enhancer for congratulating your dog "his great job" I restate my opinion in regards to the idea that dog training can be easier by using technology because you can train them without going out of your house. These tools can help you to reach the objective, so, your dog makes what you want, the apps show you the manner to teach your dog step by step. Besides, the clicker recognizes that your dog is doing well. I invite you to try training your dog by using the technologies that I mentioned before.




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TITLE: Back to old times DESCRIPTION: This artwork is complemented by some concepts I like, old technology and autumn. I made a color palette that wasn't so bright or neon. I wanted to make this artwork so people would remember how good or beautiful old times were, that way people would see old times weren't that bad. I also included newspapers that combined with the color palette so it wouldn't catch a lot of people's attention.

ARE CELLPHONES A NEED OR A WANT By: María Paz Ailan Do you think cell phones are a need or a want? We will show you some issues about if cellphones are a need or a want, I personally think that they are a want because I do not have a cellphone, and I’m okay with it. I don’t need a smartphone, I have other things to entertain myself and have a social life. Some people don’t even have cable phones, because they don’t need smartphones or old ones. Some people have cell phones because of work, or they have to talk with their mom when they go out. So that’s why I consider cellphones a want. I have realized that according to the Pew Research Society (2019), a lot of countries have a majority of mobile phone users and most of them think they are a good influence. So, according to the website, some people think it is a really good influence, 49% of people think it’s a need. On the other hand, the other 47% of our population think cell phones are bad. That means that the other people think it’s a want, we have 11% of people who think they are both bad and good. Some people think that cell phones are a need, but if they were a need, how did our ancestors live without them? Well, cell phones are really useful, but that doesn’t mean it is a need. If it were a need our ancestors would not exist, or maybe they would just have a miserable life, but it wasn’t like that, so that’s why I consider that cellphones are a want. According to Allison Michael, (2019) in 2013 she wanted a smartphone because everyone was so addicted, so she bought one, and turns out life wasn’t any easier, challenges showed up. She also said that you could not text, you could only call, so it was really useful because that way you could communicate your ideas better. She also said texts could have been great, but calls were good. I think cellphones are a want, because ancestors lived without them and some people did not even have old phones. Then, if it were a necessity everyone would have a cell phone, on that side we prove that cellphones are maybe a need and a want, but mostly a want. According to Keith Kingstone on The importance of cellphones in modern society (2004), cellphones are mostly a need because it helps you communicate with people and protect your data, however, there are other ways to protect yourself and your data and communicating, the paper was invented with an objective and one of them was communicating with people far away. People have different opinions about cell phones for example: Timely Blog (Last updated on January 27, 2020) points out that there are ways to be productive with your phone, like putting it on “Do not disturb” or managing the time well. So you can be productive with your phone, however, it is better if you go out for a walk or play with your dog. That way you do not get addicted to your cell phone. Because of people who think that cell phones are a need, they are starting to give their little children cell phones. Of course, if they are responsible they can, because they will manage their time, but if not they will get addicted and they will not spend time with family. In conclusion, I’m telling you that smartphones are not really necessary. As I said before, if they were a need, our ancestor’s lives would have been really hard for them or they would not have existed, and as I said, smartphones are not the only way to chat or meet with friends. To conclude, I invite people to use their cell phones less and encourage them to try not to use them for one day and see what it is like.




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TITLE: CHanges DESCRIPTION: In this artwork I wanted to represent how technology has changed the materials that we use at school or at home. I used some symbols such as a drawing a book on the left showing the past and a computer showing the present, at the bottom I wanted to show how we started by using a pen and now we use pencils. My objetive is that you identify the differences between the past and now.

STUDYING AT HOME IS EASIER THAN AT SCHOOL By: Luciano Dávila Tafur Do you think that studying at home is easier than at school? Some people think that studying at home is not good because they think that their kids can get distracted because of the games and other things that the parents consider are not good for the kids. From my point of view, I think that studying at home is easier and faster. Studying at home is famous these days because this pandemic does not let us go out, so all dads, moms, and kids need to study and work at home. Now all we need to do is work from home and this year I have realized that studying at home is faster and easier. On the one hand, I think that studying at home is better than studying at school because now you can find the information very fast and easier than at school because at school you need to find information from books and from other sources of information. So that is my first reason for why I think that it is better than studying at home. Another thing is without technology we can’t study at home or school and not only me thinks that studying at home is better. As (Greenhow,2018) refers to his online classroom learning: “Online learning can be as good or even better than in-person classroom learning. Research has shown that students in online learning performed better than those receiving face-to-face instruction.” According to Greenhow professor, this can be because students have more tools to work at home. They can also focus more than at school because they don´t have things that can distract them. Some people feel safer than at school because they don’t have people around them. This and more things have made students work better at home. Something good about performance restudying at home is that you save time because you don't travel to school. At that time, you spend going to school, you can rest, sleep, eat, and lots of other things at home. When you travel by car you can meet with traffic and traffic stresses some people and that can cause an accident, but at home, you reduce that stress and the probability of having an accident, so that is another reason it's better to stay at home. So, my conclusion is that studying at home is better than at school because it's faster and easier to work and collect information. This has facilitated studying at home, for these reasons and lots of other reasons, some of them are that you work faster so you can rest more and also you can play. So, I hope this essay has helped you.




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TITLE: Luminous Night DESCRIPTION: My artwork was based on an artist called Paul Cezanne and as we saw the situation in Colombia one month ago, I chose the fire to symbolize it and the bright half moon to symbolize the violence of policeman and when the beautiful sun rises a full country will grow again in peace.

VIDEO GAMES CAN BE GOOD FOR YOU By: Martin Hoyos Segura Do you know that the first video games were created by Jerry Lawson and they were created for developing physiological skills. Do you know what videogames are exactly? Well, a video game is normally an electronic system adapted to be fun or a game that involves interaction with a user and an input device like a joystick or controller (Owen,2016). Do you think videogames are good or bad? Well, the majority of adults will think they are bad because they have not investigated enough about this topic, but for me, after investigating a lot, I can conclude that video games can develop some brain and body skills. While they can develop brain skills they can also help you if you are stressed. Now as I previously mentioned, if you don't know about this I'll give you some examples. Some of the first games that were invented by brands like Nintendo,Konami and Sega, also if i have to tell you something interesting according to my investigation the first video games were made for learning and developing Psychological skills. but in my opinion yes they can help you because all my investigation and currently for me all video games can develop learning communications and concentration skills (Brewster,2019). Virtual reality video games can help developing mind skills, like when you play just dance you also are exercising so it is good for your body but most people never want to get out and go to the gym for a workout because it’s not fun and you prefer to have fun doing something nice like play video games, But these type of games have the ability to trick the mind into thinking it is a game and not exercise but in a certain way it is. Also, my two reasons because video games can develop some Brain skills are that when you spend your time concentrating on something your brain works more and better. And the second one is that video games are fun so if you finish your work fast and good in your free time you will play so at this point your brain gets used to working hard and as a prize you can play video games (Hildreth,2021). But now the people think that videogames are bad for your body and brain but what if i tell you that video games are better than seeing only tv yes did you know that videogames but according to an article from Medical Daily a investigator called Dr Daniel Johnson from University of queen , said that television watching tv is a passive activity while playing video games like Mario Bros or Tomb Raider games that are interactive is good for a kid (Johnson,2013). Research has shown that playing these games can improve self-esteem.But why? Well when you see Tv you are only laughing and being interested in the device and when you play videogames your brain starts working and thinking about strategies and ways you can win the level or match. In conclusion playing video games is better than seeing TV and especially if you play on special consoles like wii wii u nintendo switch playstation etc, also you can improve mental skills like physiological and problem resolution.and finally everything in excess is bad and obviously videogames are not the exception because they can generate addiction and you can get distracted on other things that are more important (Adam,2021). References: Owen, P. A. (2016).what is a videogame?.the warp Wire Cutter of NY times. A. (2019).Why People are Playing Beat Saber and Other Virtual Reality Games to Exercise is good? .NY times Moore, A. A. (2013)videogames better than television.Medical Daily Adam,W.A(21/3/21).Videogames are good for you!.british council




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TITLE: The girl in the room DESCRIPTION: I did this painting not so much representing my theme of the exhibition but more representing the diseases that I learned about, such as anxiety, depression, stress or insecurity. This is a girl who suffers from all these mental illnesses and it seemed to me a very appropriate drawing to represent what I learned.

HOW THE PANDEMIC HAS AFFECTED PEOPLE WITH MENTAL DISABILITIES DURING CONFINEMENT By: María José Gómez Vergara Did you know that during the pandemic and the lockdown the mental problems have been growing more and more? Take a look at this article to learn more. Humans are social creatures by nature, and confinement has prevented people from socializing as they normally do. Apparently this is one of the reasons why people get depressed or stressed. There are countless entities that are reporting cases of people with mental problems such as: depression, anxiety, exhaustion, low productivity or eating problems, also in the news I have learned of multiple suicide attempts, especially by overdose. Loneliness generates depression in people. Depression is usually generated by lack of friends or loved ones. When you feel lonely, you tend not to move, to stay locked up at home. You end up isolating yourself from the world, since the feeling of insecurity becomes stronger, stress is generated and thus sadness and depression begin to appear. In addition, the lack of socialization "greatly weakens the psychological mechanisms of reward", (Avance Psicólogos, 2020), which are those that lead us to perform activities that we like and generate happiness. Depression causes a lack of appreciation and interest in life and the will to live. The confinement generates anxiety in people, because they get used to not going out, and when they have to do it, they get stressed and feel fear. That feeling of being alert and prepared to face problems is anxiety, which in itself is not bad, the bad thing is when that feeling is present at every moment, because it prevents us from concentrating at school or at work. It immobilizes us, causes us symptoms of worry, sadness and anger at the same time, which is harmful to our mental and emotional health. In addition, it ends up affecting our whole environment and especially our loved ones since, without wanting to, we may be unloading on them all our worries and discomfort, which causes discomfort to us and to others, becoming a vicious circle. Finally, in my opinion, mental / psychiatric illnesses such as anxiety, depression, eating disorders, schizophrenia, among others, have developed even more during the pandemic and / or lockdown, causing people to make decisions foolish and bad for themselves, since loneliness makes people sad and that forces them to do terrible things for their bodies.




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TITLE: Video juegos DESCRIPTION: My sculpture represent that i like a lot videogames and that it represents all my investigation proces during the exhibition and that the videgames help you in your mental and math abilities

HOW VIDEO GAMES CAN CONTRIBUTE TO LEARNING PROCESSES By: Nicolás Yañez Puentes According History.com Editors (2017), the first video games was created on the 18th of october of 1958 by William Higginbotham and Robert Dvorak, that video game was a tennis simulator and after all, the video games have converted into a way of having a fun time with your friends and family. They had been creating a lot of types of video games like the simulator and multiplayer but they also had created video games for learning and that's why some kids are better at thinking skills. I think that playing video games can improve your learning process like mathematics and problem resolution. According to CNBC television (2019), doctors play video games to practise before a surgery and for them to be sure that if they played video games, they will be better at making the surgery and they make a test. They had two groups: the first was the one that played video games and the other one thit don’t played video games then , when they practiced they had a final surgery and then when it was done| They analyzed what group did better and had fewer mistakes. According to M.L Lee (2007) the video games help you in your math and metal abilities, they are a different types of video games for example they are the games of decisions games that where you are give 3 or 2 options there you have to use your mental abilities for analyzing what option will be correct answer and in there you are improving your mental abilities, this way they are other type of video games like fortnite, in that game you can improve your math abilities because they are coordinates and there you have to add all of them to know where the opponent is. Finally as I mentioned before the video games that help you in your mental and math abilities are the decisions games, and they are a famous type of video games because that they help you in your math and metal abilities, I have some video games of decision and I can say that I improve a little my mental abilities, I can see it when I solve a quiz and the video games help me to think faster and remind me what the answer could be. Well, those are the reasons why I think video games can help you in the learning process.




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TITLE: The oceans evolution DESCRIPTION: This painting has many representations of the contamination in oceans so I want people who see this artwork, to think about all the damage that we are doing to the oceans. For me it talks about the things that contaminate, facilitate global warming and the technology that exists to find a solution.

DIFFERENT TECHNOLOGIES TO SAVE THE OCEANS By: María Paz Sarmiento Did you know that technology helps us solve the ocean's contamination problem? Humans have been creating some technologies to reduce the ocean’s contamination, for example: waste shark and oil spill tracking. With the past of the time everybody has contaminated the oceans. People estimated that in 2050 we are not going to have an ocean ecosystem (wevolver.com,2020), because the contamination gets to the point that half of the oceans are dirty and contaminated. So I think that sea ecosystems can be safe using technology. According to: wevolver.com, (2020) the waste shark is a big boat and dron that helps to prevent the trash getting into the open seas, the waste is a white boat of 190cm x 140cm x 45cm, the power source is a battery, the carrying capacity is of 550 liters or 350 kg, the weight is of 39kg uploaded the waste type as plastics, microplastics, alien vegetation, floating debris also the steering control is a control remote or an autonomous control, the corporation that created this boat is called ranmarine technology and did you know that this boat has water quality sensors? They have a lot but I am going to talk about 7 sensors that are called conductivity, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, ammonium, chloride, nitrate, and salinity. According to Mill (2018): the oil spill tracking is a like an app that tracks the oil spill in the oceans, this is an app for the workers of advisian and metocean telematics, but the creators were Skytruth in 2010 but this is not only for oceans is also for land this app is organized by colors the color red is for all the categories, the brown is for oil on the water, the light green is for oil on land, the pink is for wildlife, the dark green is for unaffected area, and the dark blue is for trash\debris - unoiled. To conclude, the marine ecosystems are the most important problems at the moment. I invite you to take care of the oceans using the 3 Rs that are Recycling, Reusing and Reducing. If we don't stop contaminating in 2050 we are not going to have oceans, 50% of the oceans of the planet. And in the year 3000 we are not going to have oceans. Climate change will be worse and millions of animals will die because the world is in our hands. If we do not act, the planet will not have oceans.




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TITLE: Technology On Stage DESCRIPTION: I wanted to show how technology was displayed on stage, and how it looks in action. How each object helps in how we see and enjoy a dance performance.

TECHNOLOGY IS AN IMPORTANT PART OF BALLET By: Elena García Vélez Did you know that without ballerina shoes dancers can not perform their movements? The history of ballet started in 1500 in Italy, when Catherine the Medici of Italy married the French king II, she introduced the dance style into court life in France. The word “ballet” comes from the Italian word “Ballare” which means “to dance”. At first, dancers used layers upon layers of brocaded costuming, pantaloons, large headdresses, and ornaments; that clothing was beautiful to look at but difficult to move on, so with the new fabric that we develop dancers can move through space easily. Technology is an important part of ballet (Atlanta Ballet, 2021). In ballet, the most important aspect is the movement of the body but with the appropriate cloth the movements will be dry and without emotions; that's why we use ballerina shoes also called ballet slippers and leotards that help dancers to have soft poses and emotional stories. Most of the time leotards are pink or white, but with time they become more flexible with the colors so they start producing black clothing. The ballerina shoes are also called ballet (Dance Facts, 2021). Ballet is a form of expression, and technology is helping to transmit that story your body is trying to tell. Ballet supports their dances with a stage that has all kinds of decoration that helps the audience understand where the dance is taking place, all that decoration on the background is technology; nowadays the cardboard background is left behind and we use electronic devices for making the scenery. Also, lights help people know where to look on the stage. And for last the music, in the past musicians needed to be where the dance was taking place, now the music comes from speakers that have recorded the music. (Echeverry, 2021) In summary, It is clear that with technology, ballet has benefited, from its costumes and ballets to the scenography and its wide possibilities of recreating places that help tell stories in ballet performances, this way dance becomes a wonderful show that mixes the harmony of dance. The body and its spaces transport us to those beautiful settings where stories take place. The dancers also benefit because their art with the movements is perfected in the comfort of the dancers and the costumes and also the scenography facilitates the interpretation of their characters. Everyone is ready to perform a good show. http://www.dancefacts.net/facts-about-dance/ballet-shoes/




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TITLE: the hacker and you DESCRIPTION: You need to verify who are you talking with. because you never can know what type of persons are on social media

HOW TO BE ETHIC ON INTERNET AND SOCIAL MEDIA By: Juan Tomás Murillo How do we need to be ethical in social media with the rules made for our protection? the rules that appear in terms of service, we need to follow those rules. People should know that these rules are very important. It does not matter if you are a super important politician, you must follow them because if you suddenly do not follow them you will go from bad to worse. It can ban mute all etc and it will be horrible for you. It can reach the worst punishments and you should not do it if you wonder what these rules are and how they work. In this text I will tell you why you have to follow them. People must follow some easy and specific rules to be able to have security, comfort and to be safe from a lot of things like ban, mute etc. Also, that would be bad and you have to be careful with your actions. Also to keep in mind that children are harmless, if one does not tell them the importance of being ethical he/she ends up being a bad person and that's a pity so, we have to make children to be ethic so that when they grow up they are ethical but as some studies say that if a child like your son or daughter they will follow your example if they think you are a good influence (Harvard,2020). The rules of social media are important and if you're ethical or not, you need to follow them, so you need to read the service term that appears on the policy, but most of the people doesn't read them and you need to do it because it can say in the little letters we can access to all of your apps, passwords and all those. But, you only click the button and finish the register. That isn't good, that is dangerous and it is better to read the terms even if it's boring it could save you from making the biggest error in your life (infosecawareness, 2018). Finally you need to be conscious that you can be at risk of being banned if you don't follow the rules. That's why you need to work on no insults or all those bad things that some people do like: harassment or threats to anybody, that's being ethical on the internet or social media. You also can face a fee or judicial charges or worse. Some people think no one can ban or act against you, but, rules exist. That isn't true, that's the biggest lie you can tell to you. I invite you to follow the terms and conditions of social media. (Lee, 2018).




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TITLE: The abstract controller DESCRIPTION: A playstation controller brought from another planet.

MYTHS AND TRUTHS ABOUT VIDEO GAMES FOR KIDS By: Albert Neumann Puentes Did you know that video games help eye coordination? Kids and video games are really together when they know each other well. My parents only let me play video games on weekends, they give me no more time because they say I’m too small to play longer, and they’re right. I have investigated how video games affect kids and it has big changes, it has been proven that video games help kid´s brain in some points but decreases some points too that we’ll see later on. For me this says that video games that are meant for teaching have a very specific purpose and they are good at it. None teaching games like gun games teach specific stuff but their focus is totally different. Gun games improve eye coordination as I said before and strategy games help problem solving. Basically depending on the game you’re playing, you develop different stuff. Video games affect the brain, but not when you’re young, the brain changes when you are 21 years old, it stops changing when you get 22 years old, it changes brain structure and behavior and it changes different stuff depending on the game. Strategy games help in strategy making and problem solving, gun games make the kid that plays it violent if at young age (not necessarily true if its limited amount of time to be played and most important if the kid is GUIDED or Accompanied by an adult) but helps in eye coordination and attention on a target. Street racing games show why to put your seatbelt on because of the crashes at high speeds, simulators make the player experience new stuff without getting hurt (Mention that even professional f1 driver have simulators to practice when they are not on the track or airplane pilots need to have a certain amount of simulator hours in their resume). What do we learn from here? That video games are not bad. If you play the correct games you can learn new stuff, and what do I mean by saying “play the correct games”? It means that you need to play the games that fit your age. Think of it this way, you are 9 years old and you are going to play a game that recommends age 12+, you might have stuff in your memory that are not supposed to be there, like a 5 year old that swears at his friends because of video games like gta v or other games now. That’s why you have to play video games that fit your age, for example, you’re 12 or older and you play games for 12+ or lower to have a happy life full of happy memories and no grown up stuff! Video games change the brain, we’ll get into this deeper right now. So, the brain change depends on the games. Each game has a different effect on the brain, video games change behavior and personality, especially violent games. Some video games make the player have thoughts that he or she is in the game, like horror games with monsters make the player think the monster is after them, nearby or going to eat the player in his sleep or when he’s walking by (etc). Sometimes the player will do or try to imitate what he/she did in game, like if you are playing call of duty and you just jumped of the window and then you just want to do it too, or when you are playing Minecraft and you craft a wooden sword and then you just suddenly want to craft one too. Another thing proven is that kids will find reading and writing boring because they just want to continue playing video games, for example: a kid is in class, the teacher gives the kid reading homework and the kid says “why more reading?!!”The next day, the teacher gives them a writing assignment after the kid turns in his homework and then the kid is like, “Why writing, why not making a video or… or a presentation, anything but reading and writing!”, next day, after the kid turns in the writing assignment, the teacher gives the kid more reading homework, then the kid jumps out the window. That is what might happen if a kid that plays video games gets lots of reading homework and writing assignments. Another effect that video games plant in kids is something called “social isolation“. This means that kids rather spend their life in a dark room glued to a screen than be with friends and/or family, but online games let the kid be with friends, on an online world which is not that good for communication skills because they won’t talk in person to someone, they talk by reading the games chat, unless they make a zoom or google meet to talk, to solve this we have to limit ourselves in virtual worlds such as roblox, minecraft, fortnite (etc). The point is that video games have special glue to make the player stay in front of the screen and play more. The games add stuff that make people be more attracted and here are some of them: adding level rewards, special limited items and limited time events with a cool reward at the end among others. Parents will notice this and will tell their kids often to stop playing games, but what every kid says is the famous “just five more minutes”, the parents will accept this request and 5 minutes later, the kid will say it again, the parent will accept again but will say “this 5 more minutes and no more, so choose wisely how to spend them…” then the parent leaves the room. After the 5 minutes the parent comes in and says “your 5 minutes have passed, turn it off now”, the kid obeys and has a frown in his face for the rest of the day. We have learned that video games help in some stuff but not that much, and excessive time on the screen has a solution. So this means that video games in small amounts help you, but more time than needed will change your behavior and personality. So the solution for this is to not play video games for long periods of time and often go take a break to eat a snack or share moments with your family. So basically, you can play video games for a little and then go do something else or even learn something new. So go on, download some games and play with friends but not too much. I’m going to share this information to the world by doing a video and presenting it to 3 different schools.




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TITLE: Technoanime DESCRIPTION: I made this art piece because I like very much anime and I want to show how there are some technological devices and some technological apps to work on anime. Also I included a site to watch anime and the Japanese flag because anime is from Japan, all that on a computer.

HOW TECHNOLOGY HAS HELPED ANIME AND MANGA By: Andres Felipe Rodriguez B. Did you know that anime has been with us since the first world war? Anime has changed a lot since its creation and in different aspects and most of the changes are thanks to technological developments. For example different tools that manga authors use, the way to do anime or manga has changed, how anime looks, better graphics and how anime becomes popular. The way technology has changed affects anime and in some way makes it easy to make it or produce it, and even make it look better. Anime is easier to find nowadays thanks to technology. Through social media, anime becomes more and more popular and that also kind of affects society because nowadays there are toys of video games, figures, clothes of anime, among others and all that thanks to technology developing. Nowadays there are a lot of technological tools that manga authors can use and there are even books, videos that teach how to do anime. In my opinion anime is way better than before and that makes it become so popular and anime is also important because is the Like I said, anime began in the first and second world war and it was an animation of the Japanese government to promote the war, it was like an advertisement and they use anime methods. The first anime was made in 1907. It was a short animation of 4 seconds and it was made by Katsudo Shashin and it was found in 2005. Another of the first anime was made in 1917 during the second world war and its name was: Shingacho Meian no Shippai, it is longer. Before the movies on Japan there was a tradition named Utsushi-e and it worked with slides and wood and it showed movements of figures. Walt Disney also used the method of anime in his early works. Also anime today is very easy to do but before the technology tools were very few and the time of making an anime takes a very long time and a lot of effort. In the sixties the anime appeared on the tv and in the 80´s it became very popular and famous. Some of the most popular series were: one piece dragon ball, evangelion, super campeones etc. Also in the 80´s they changed the traditional method with all the new technology they have and all the technological tools. Around the world there are also series of USA with anime style. On the classic animation they made the animation by hand and on the first animes, what they used to make a movie or anime was what they did was take a photo of each of the drawings. To make a movie or anime there were thousands of photos that were taken. For the 3D animation, the object or characters were molded to a computer and every little detail of the character were modeled to the computer and finally they do all the animation and the scenes. A lot of anime businesses have kept the tradition. One movie of 2006 was made with cell shading and that method consisted of making the characters 3D, also sometimes they use people in real life and transformed them into anime characters. Now some animes or movies are 3D animated and that is thanks to all technology and how I said anime before was very difficult to do. They only had one technology tool to take the photos and its name was rotoscopio. It was a kind of camera. One of the objectives of Netflix doing anime is to give their viewers a good experience and that is interesting to them. One example is an action movie named Nocturne, the graphics were very good, the movements of the characters were fast, with a good animation and it had complicated scenes.The sparks are a sequence of 3 minutes that make the graphics look better and those sparks have helped breaking bad and many others famous series and also Netflix sometimes put animation 4k hdr on some animes. Thanks to technology anime has popularized a lot in the last few years. In the eighties the national TV transmitted some anime like Dragon Ball, Sailor Moon, Super campeones etc, that made that anime become popular around the world, they even do some series from the United States. They make them as if they were anime, and that's how anime became popular in those days, but nowadays the anime has changed and is very easy to find. There are a lot of pages and even on Netflix or other platforms you can find animes and that makes that anime become very popular. Anime has become very popular but that also affects the culture. For example there are parks about anime, a lot of products about anime and conventions and anime has changed so much that today there are some animes that teaches like: haiku, cell at work, dr stone and many others but all teach something.




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TITLE: The reunion between art and technology DESCRIPTION: I created this artwork to express that technology and art can come together because technology expands the possibilities of the art and how it is made. I dedicate this artwork to anyone that wants to see the relationship between art and technology.

THE ADAPTATION OF TECHNOLOGY IN ART By: Emilia Mantilla Quintero Did you know that technology has influenced art a lot? For my exhibition I wanted to know if technology had something to do with the evolution of art, having into consideration that evolving is a process of developing. So that's why I came up with this question: How has art evolved thanks to technology? The world is continuously evolving, and art has changed and transformed throughout time. Art is a personal language that people use to express themselves. Technology is a skill, method or way to achieve goals or to achieve knowledge. To evolve is to change or fill a personal need or a social need. Art is a language that we use to express ourselves or to learn. Change is something that becomes different in the pass of time. We wanted to have a more trendy and “cool” culture. So we evolved a lot of times in history. If you want to know the relation between those things, continue reading. To start I want to clear out that your creativity is better than a computer's, always. But technology has some tricks too. Do you know Quiver? It is the app that you print a drawing and then with the app's camera and your drawing goes 3D. That is to make your drawings 3D, but we have some other things. Movies are made with technology and cameras. But they have changed a lot in the past years. And animation is an art type. It is a visual art type. But before we had today's visual effects, we only had greencreens and solar light. Animation is pure technology and creativity. First, the play or movie director needs to do the story, the scene, the characters, etc. Then with greenscreens you put the virtual background. But animation is not the only thing that has something to do with virtual art. We also have virtual museums, they are like a museum but digitally. For example, you want to look at an art exhibition but it is far away and you can’t travel. You browse and find a web page that is that same art exhibition, you enter your credit card and pay for the visit. Now you can admire the art. I am going to talk a little more about this later. I wanted to know other people's opinion of this question. I made an interview with my aunt who is a very good artist, so I asked her this question: How has technology influenced art? Here is her answer in my own words: “Now that we have technology, art can reach many more people thanks to virtual museums, video conferences and much more! In virtual museums they expose art and you can watch it digitally”. Technology has expanded art visualization. Another interview I made was for my art teachers, Nancy Franco (Theatre) and Natalia Echeverry (Dance). So that interview was very useful for me in understanding my topic better. Nancy Franco told me that art with technology had new ways to express ourselves and that goes with lots of new possibilities. “A lot of artists use technology to make new installations or replace techniques that are not so environmental. Now there are new sound effects and visual effects that create a magic more surprising to the audience on plays. And that artist can go much further, like in the case of the circus. That lets artists mix their skills with technology making higher and safer jumps. And now we have jobs that mix those things like, painters, actors, musicians, photographers and craft makers”, says Nancy Franco. Natalia Echeverry told me this, “Art had to invent new ways of visualisation through technology and that technology has influenced a lot theatre plays for example, lights, the projections, the special effects and let art create more historys and emotions.” A professional in technology and art, Daniel Parra answered the following questions. The first question was: How has technology affected animation? Answer: Animation is 100% technology and now we have glasses that can simulate movies, those glasses are called Oculus. Before it was 2D and now we have 3D, also before they used models to make the props for movies. The second question was: Has technology affected models a lot? Answer: Yes, now we have more practical and simple methods. Third question: What was one of your biggest challenges? Answer: Daily challenges. When you do something to a client and he doesn't like it you need to redo it. Fourth question: Which was your biggest success? Answer: Visuals for the Chemical Brothers. Sun circus. He loves big projects. So that was all my questions and interviews. I wanted to know other people's point of view. I already talked about the present, now it is time to travel a little thousand years before. We were cavemen and made art too. We made cave drawings and that was art for us. We made our history. We painted ourselves, animals, us killing animals and we all made that with animal blood. But then we discovered pigments. Pigments are paints with natural objects, such as fruits, dirt, sand, water, etc. We started doing drawing with other techniques, and we evolved. The wheel, fire, engines, taming, it all happened. Now we are some decades before the present, we are in the pop revolution and culture! We made that to express ourselves and we made a mark in art history and pop art was popular art, or art for all. Now we have contemporary art, and not in all the world. In far away lands there is another culture type for example, Korea. In Korea they have some amazing architecture and machinery. Look at any product you have in your house, it will probably say ‘Made in China’. That means that the product was made there. We have photography too, and it is an art type. Before we didn’t have the cameras we have today. We had a room called camera obscura and it was a dark room that projected images and then artists could trace them. Then we got sun drawings, they are some special type of paint and paper that makes a drawing when it dries in the sun, and we continue evolving until we arrive at the present. But we did not stop there. Art is not only a way to express ourselves, it is a way of learning. And in this whole essay you discovered that technology and art are together, but how are they related? Well, technology has expanded and made art more realistic, but you can still create a lot of things yourself. With this expansion in technology we can now reach things we never imagined. But there is one question that in this timeline is not going to be answered, a difficult question. And it is, in 50 year are we going to have another type of art? Now that I knew all about this, I needed to do something with it. Me and my mentor decided that I was going to do a comparison. In a program named GIMP I was going to edit an artwork that I do with the mix of op and pop art. A comic and an illusion.




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TITLE: The evolution of music and technology DESCRIPTION: I made this artwork because I wanted to represent the evolution of music and technology through an adventure in the medieval times and the new and modern times with electric and acoustic guitar .

THE POWER OF MUSIC THANKS TO TECHNOLOGY By Isabel Sofía Maturana Did you know that the country that has the most DJs in the world is the Netherlands? Music will be nothing in this new modern world without technology´s help, but what are these things that technology has done to help music? That's what I am going to talk about. The power that music has nowadays is in a big part thanks to technology, because technology is the most important thing that has happened to the world and with music it makes technology more powerful because music is very important too. I would like for you to continue learning about this topic. So let's talk about the technology of instruments. Remember that technology is not only cell phones and electronic devices. Technology is things that people use to make their lives better and easier so that means that instrument technology is not only about electronic instruments but also it is about technological devices. So, instruments have changed through these years and have been evolving through history. Some examples are the Erhu violin which was an old Chinese instrument which was like a violin and the violin that we all know now . Or the acoustic guitar and the electric guitar and the electric piano which have new things like put songs or record your own song and make different and useful noises. People always find new ways to do and hear music. And better and improved instruments. People never give up. So, I’m not saying that old instruments are bad, no that’s not true. Maybe some instruments that are old are fun too and some are used to do music still today so they are not bad but new and evolved instruments are more technological and better quality. Now it's time for music marketing. People have changed applications and different marketing strategies of music to make people's lives easier. With music and make music better now. The first technological marketing was the cassettes which were a type of form to save Music they evolved. We liked it and it was the best for them . Then there were the CDs which you had to buy in a music store so it wasn't so useful still (why wasn't it useful? It was the technology at hand at that time). And last but not least streaming music and apps. with this you can pay for lets say 1 month and you will have access to all of the music of the world! But if you don't pay you will have access to all the music of the world but you will not be able to choose the music that you want, it will have lots of commercials and publicity in the middle of the songs so we know that the mensual Pyp is better . Last but not least the audio devices. In this topic we are going to see Old advances of music with technology audio devices and new advances Of audio devices . so first old advances . We had a turntable which was the base of the play disco which was the first music advance, Then we have radios which if you don't know them they were a type of technological music. It was a technological advance where you could hear music and hear the news and all the things. That nowadays you can watch on tv but instead you could only hear them. This technological advance was so good that we still have it nowadays, in your car, in your house or even your phone. Now we will talk about the most recent advances so first we have speakers. We use speakers to be able to hear music louder. Something that everyone is familiar with nowadays, and now in the pandemic we use a lot, is headphones. Headphones are designed to be able to hear the sound of your music without being interrupted by other sounds. Technology has definitely become a very big influencer in the way we listen to music and I love the way that I can listen to it nowadays. Even my grandmother has told me how amazing these new technologies have revolutionized the music industry.




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TITLE: Strange art DESCRIPTION: I made the artwork so people can see the impact that music and technology can reproduce when they join.

YOUR LIFE´S DEVELOPMENT CAN BE CHANGED BY MUSIC AND TECHNOLOGYBy : Isabella Diaz Did you know life is developed by music and technology? I think that when technology and music join together to make an impact they can be much stronger. It's incredible but there are some changes in your life that you don't see like discos vs music applications etc. Development, influences, impacts and changes that you probably haven't heard about is something I want you to know so continue reading this essay to understand a little bit more. Technology helps record artist´s voice and to make the music, | without the technology at the moment, we could not reproduce the music, so Technology and innovation affect us day by day at every step we take, in other words, the technology has become a basic tool for music over time Technology has been impacting in different areas but the most impacted area of arts is music, because we have to use electronic devices and software in different areas like recording and composition. The idea is to connect creativity to music and technology to influence the playback of music in musical apps and to share to other people. Due to the situations that all the world is passing through, we have to use resources to upload and share but now we can reproduce more in devices and search more and be more creative. When the world changes its way of developing music and technology also do the same, an example of that is the music applications like: youtube, apple music, spotify, prime music, google play music among others. Youtubeis specified in how to find videos and official channels, live broadcasts, playlists. Apple Music and Spotify have some differences: In this case Spotify has a large musical repertoire of more than 30 million songs adding thousands every day. Obviously looking at these figures we can get an idea of the monstrosity that is Spotify today, and with all the years of music service, but Apple Music is not far behind at all. If we look at a recent study that indicated, roughly, how many songs each of the Apple services has to earn from the street. Specifically Spotify has 35 million songs while Apple Music reaches 45 million, so there is a more than clear difference between the two services. Talking about Google play we can see that it has a music closet and online store (free) and the premium subscription and during this pandemic, artists have had a problem. They need to survive with the music but sometimes it is very difficult because they depend on people buying virtual tickets to see them. Some of them are not always very lucky with this. But there are some platforms that promote and show concerts like YouTube, Facebook, twitter and tiktok. These platforms let people reproduce or show the music day by day and to help artists to continue impacting all of the people. The importance of my topic is to show people how music and technology has influenced humanity in beautiful ways. We usually don't understand or notice the impact that it has in our lives day by day. We don't see the developments and changes. My point of view is that we concentrate on thinking and not on seeing the true reality of the impact of music application on us. Music helps us relax, helps cope through different moments in our lives. We celebrate with music, we relax with music, we even cry with music and technology has helped this type of art to become even more powerful than it already is.




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TITLE: The wheelchair DESCRIPTION: I made these artwork to show a very important object that has helped disabled people. Also I placed the wheelchair inside an iPad for it to look more like technology. Also I placed the iPad there because first when the unit started I thought that only iPads, iPhones and all of that was technology but now I know that everything created by humans is technology.

BREAKING BARRIERS FOR DISABLED PEOPLE THROUGH TECHNOLOGY By: Josue Diaz Camargo Did you know that some people that don't have legs can walk now? This is thanks to technology. Technology has helped a lot of disabled people and in some of the cases they have removed the disable altogether. I'm going to tell you about breaking barriers for disabled persons through technology. Some people couldn't see, some of them couldn't walk, some of them couldn't hear but technology has helped them a lot, and I like this because this has solved a lot of problems for these people, and humanity needs this more than ever. I will tell you some places where we have broken barriers but specific places like the home or the street or the mall. So we first are going to talk about the houses. These places can be remodeled or modified for specific disabled people like the bathrooms, the bedroom or the kitchen. We will start with the bathrooms. Before, disabled persons had a lot of problems in the bathroom but here is where technology comes in, some bathrooms for disabled people have railings at the side of the toilet for the person that may not have legs or they don't work they can seat properly and without having that much trouble only seating. The next modification is optional for the ones that are in a wheelchair, and it is to put a very big mirror for him or her. If you put a big mirror and a little bit inclined down for him to see himself. These can be very good if you have a big hallway, a tall and straight hallway for the wheelchair persons and a big door for the wheelchair. Now the bedroom. As I told you a bit ago, it has to have a big door and also as in the bathroom it needs to have railings for the same reason: settle in smoothly. And for the last room we have, the kitchen. Utensils are hard to use if you don't have a good hand and when you eat, your hand shakes and shakes so that person can't eat and this disease is called barkison . So if you are a disabled person that has this problem, then you can use the liftware spoon. It can work for you. This is a spoon that doesn't let the food get out of the spoon if your hands are shaking. Disabled people have lots of problems like in the car, in the restaurants or walking in the street. Some of them may be blind people or maybe people that are in wheelchairs. So the first problem is in the cars, so let's see how technology has broken the barriers here. These can be a way to modify your cat if your foot doesn't work. Now if this happens to you, you can buy this pack of levers to control the brakes or to speed up with the hands so this could work for some disabled persons. And now the liftware spoon can also work for restaurants. In the streets some blind people can't walk properly and it could even be dangerous for them because if they don't see they can be hit by a car and die so they had to create something to fix that. Technology created roads with lines or dots with textures in the floor to help a bilnd person to stay safe in the street and to not be in danger. Finally, the people who use wheelchairs. Here there are some wheelchairs that are mechanical and they can save lives if something went wrong Now, in malls a lot of problems happened with some disabled people a little bit of time ago, but here is when technology came and helped them. You might now see a construction called elevators in buildings and mansions or malls too, and well when this didn't exist there were a lot of problems with disabled people. Elevators were placed in malls. This helped a lot to the ones that were in a wheelchair because obviously it was very hard for them to go upstairs, even if someone was helping them, so now it is easier for them to go to the second or third floor in malls. Also something you might know if you had been in a mall are the escalators that are stairs that move by themselves so that you don't have to take even a step to get to the next floor. I think that the guy that created this was very lazy but he helped some disabled people too. He helped the guys that were in crutches or blind people because if the blind people didn't have company they could fall and break a bone or get hurt a lot. Also there are emergency wheelchairs, which is a very good idea from the ones who make these mall things. This for me is a very good action. These are for emergencies, for example if someone breaks a leg bone and it's very urgent they would give a wheelchair to him until they go away from the mall. Now let's get back to our central theme. Here I saw very good things from technology to disabled people and I saw these when I was investigating. Technology always finds a way to help people and I like that it makes me feel good. This is very good too because some of these people can do now what they couldn't, for example a blind person. Scientists may connect cameras to their brains and they can see through it. Also a deaf person can hear now with a machine they put in their ears, or a person without a leg can have access to a robotic one. So I'm thinking of making a video for the school´s director to put installations for disabled kids in the school like the hallways with textures or a machine to get down stairs for wheelchairs, because in the P.E class they have problems getting downstairs with wheelchairs.




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TITLE: Technoeducation DESCRIPTION: I made this artwork because I think that the change of education thanks to technology is very big because in past years we did not have technology so we did not have computers or ipads or other technological devices. Nowadays we can find all the information that we want because we have the internet so is much easier to find information for our projects or other things that we want to do and also we have technological devices for our clases.

TECHNOLOGY. FRIEND OR FOE FOR KID’S LEARNING PROCESS By Maria Gabriela Valdés Guatibonza Did you know that technology could be bad for a kid's learning process? Technology is good at this time but sometimes the kids don't pay attention and start to watch youtube videos or to play games like roblox or many games that exist in the world. In other times we did not have to use the technology as much as we are looking at the technology nowadays. In this pandemic, we are in our houses and we use more technology for work or school and to communicate with our friends or with somebody that we want to talk with. Sometimes the technology could be very dangerous for the kids, in some countries they put 4 years old kids in front of the computer and to write on the keyboard and to use the mouse is dangerous because the computer can generate diseases for them like problems in the brain. In the OMS they say that it is very good for the kids of 2 or 4 years old to use these mobile devices because it stimulates the hands and wrists of the kids. In other times the computers were like the iPhone 12 but they were bigger and more difficult to use but people liked them because it was very useful because you can write things for the people instead of writing a letter. That happened in the schools, teachers and principals were very happy and the students were very excited because they had never seen a computer. Some problems came with these technologies, for example computers got damaged and schools needed to repair them; inspired by these, companies such as Apple, Microsoft and others more companies of technology create laptops for all students to have their own computers. Today in the Pandemic we use the computers more than we need to use them because we need to work and study in our house because of the covid 19. As I said, the different technology could be bad for the school. You can spend hours on the computers. Can we make a change trying to look at other kinds of activities from video games ? Well sometimes we can't because we want to play and play in the Apps of the computer like roblox or minecraft and a lot of other apps that exist in the world. If we don't take a break from the computer, we can generate diseases like myopia or problems in your head so we need to take care of ourselves. I investigated that around the world, education is very different than here because in Africa they don't have computers because they don't have a lot of money. I watched a video and saw that in Africa people also use the technology even if they don't have computers, cell phones or ipads. In Africa they draw a computer on the board and start to investigate the computer. I read an article that said that ten Commandments were technology so they said that the ten Commandments were the first time that education mixed with technology, then came the manuscript, book among others. But in those times, books and the manuscripts were technology so they said that all that was written was education and technology. Education has existed for a long time and has been very different from the education of today, for example, at this time all the people can go to school but years ago, the girls couldn't go to school because in those times the girls could only wash clothes and cook for the boys. Today we write in notebooks but before they needed to write in papyrus that it was a plant that grew in Egypt. They dried the plant and took the color out and cut the plant and then they made the papyrus to write in the school. Nowadays we write with markers and pencils and colors but in other times they wrote with the blood of the animals that they kill. Technology is not also for video games or cell phones. You can use the technology for everything such as cooking, studying or reading. We use technology also if we are not watching the computer or the cell phone or other technological devices. We use technology at all moments in our life but we need to use technology in a good way because in the world there are a lot of hackers and it is very dangerous because your information is not secure at all times, your contacts, emails, even your money so we need to use technology better. We saw that technology could be bad and good for technology, we saw that education was very different nowadays as it was before because in medieval times they used blood etc to write and draw, now we have tablets and intelligent boards. I just recommend that even though technology has helped our lives to be better and easier, there is a very big responsibility that comes with using it and we need to be attentive at it.




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TITLE: Prettytural DESCRIPTION: I made this artwork so that people know the positive and negative aspects of technology on the environment and I chose something that I would have fun doing and I showed how humans learn about the responsibility of taking care of our planet :)

IS THE USE OF TECHNOLOGY REALLY HELPING OUR ENVIRONMENT? By María Salomé Mora Caceres Did you know that nanotechnology in this time has helped clean the seas? For hundreds of years humanity was not aware of caring for the planet, today the consequences are already reflected and during the 2010-2020 the United Nations declared the decade of biodiversity in order to take care of the conservation and preservation of our planet. It is responsible for conserving and caring for nature, for this we must have new technologies that help us improve the quality of life.. On another side, nanotechnology has positive ways that have impacted our lives. It is helping clean the water and to get better products through molecules that people use daily. I believe that technology has gotten involved with the environment in different ways, so stay with me. I am going to explain to you what's the problem and the solution for this situation. For thousands of years humans with their creations have been able to kill and extinguish biodiversity. Technology is not a very good friend or enemy of biodiversity but they have their differences, and that's what we're going to talk about today. For a long time what is more reflected is deforestation by mining. In many parts of Colombia it is illegal and this causes to expand different parts of the forest leaving no habitat to the pacific region of Colombia, thus it also affects soil degradation since trees have roots and the roots give us hydration in the soil. The exploitation of certain minerals like copper, gold, carbon, among many others generates environmental damages that affect the life of animals and vegetation. Another of the bad things that could develop humans is the use of petroleum for gasoline in vehicles. When they look at petroleum, they make many mistakes and environmental damages, affecting the ecosystem. For example if oil spills occur at sea many species of fish, corals, even birds die.the human being by using so many vehicles of gasoline we also affect the air and we damage the ozone layer. If the ozone layer gets damaged, global warming starts. The human being has developed new technologies because before the engines they spent more gasoline and now decrease. They are improving the motors to pass on to others more cleaner or electric cars. To avoid oil spills the companies have improved equipment and better trained their personnel work. A change that humanity continues develop, is the art of recycle or reusing waste what are produced in some city, preventing plastic damaging the environment for example, drees through bottles, They are reused bottles and they do cloth. Another thing positive is the use of computer systems since now everything is transmitted by email and more in pandemic and less paper is used. This information was given to me by my dad because he is a petroleum engineer and he explains to me what they do in their work, problems etc. this information is also supported by different pages. Now let’s talk about food technology, for example the livestock industry is responsible for 18% of all the greenhouse gases according to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization. I understand from the previous article that for the meat industry it is necessary to cut down trees to use space for the livestock, use a lot of water and chemicals that have damaged the environment for many years and that is why technological changes are required to reduce this damage. Livestock products have been responsible for greenhouse gas emissions, most of them are food sources, these emissions are caused by food production, animal waste and land use change. There are areas where agricultural technology is modern, such as Hydroponics, which is a type of cultivation that does not require soil but it requires nutrients. There is also Aeroponics which is when the roots are sprayed with water and nutrients, decreasing the use of land and water. These methods have worked experimentally and have been in studies to be able to do it worldwide. According to my research and the teachings of people with whom I have spoken, my conclusion is that we must move forward and protect our planet in a fair way, it is our responsibility to continue supporting new technological changes that do not affect the environment, everything that humans have been able to develop must be for a reason and those reasons have been to either affect or help our ecosystem, but we must take into account the way we use it. We must be aware of all the solutions to be able to protect the environment, this can mark the continuity of thousands of years more for the planet.




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TITLE: The world in a box DESCRIPTION: The technology expand our possibilities and help the world. The idea of my artwork is to tell people all benefits of phones

A HISTORICAL TOUR OF THE MOBILE By Samuel Jiménez Did you know that the mobile phones are more ancient than my dad and they were so bad like our first computers? I think that phones are good and fun and for the moment they are a good tool for communication. One example to demonstrate this to you, is that before mobile phones existed we had landlines that only were in the house and only did calls, but even before that there were no telephones, no phones and we communicated with different types of messaging such as letters. Well this story of the mobile phones begins in 1973 when the motorola dynatac 8000x was created. After the first phone came the Ericsson NMT 900 in 1988 and two years after that was the mobiles with 2G technology. In 1996 there was one of the most successful products of the last 50 years. Yes, we are talking about the Motorola startac and this phone appears in a lot of movies and costed $900. In 1997 the first phone with a camera that was created was the sharp J- sho4 and the first with colors was the Siemens s10. In 2001 came the first mobiles with 3G technology that can download programs, send mails and messages. In 2007 the first iphone was created, and in 2008 the first android was created. The benefits and consequences of mobile phones are a lot and we are going to talk about consequenses and try to give a solution first: The consequences are quite a lot, but the most common one is that they can damage your eyes, and you can use glasses to prevent a little bit of this problem. Another consequence that is super common is people are all the day in the phone, in the house, in the restaurants, including when they drive cars, some people have their reasons like their work but some are only playing or texting and they don't need to play all day and experts recommend 1 or 2 hours because if you play 5 hours every day you don't do physical activity and they get fat and it can be dangerous because affects all the parts of your body like your heart or legs among others. As for the benefits, some of this is learning. A person can learn a lot of things and it is a good tool for investigations because at one click you have a lot of information. Are phones good for kids? We already know about the benefits and the consequences, based on that we are going to see if phones are good for kids. First, one bad thing is kid´s development and they are not 100% developed like adults and the phones can affect their development, but something good is that kids need to communicate with their parents if they need help. Also, kids play a lot of videogames and they are addictive but kids can learn something from them but doing other things is better. In conclusion the phones are one of the most important technology advances in the world and they have advantages and disadvantages one advantage is that it can help a lot in the learning process and one disadvantage is that people are addicted to phones depending on how you use them.




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TITLE: The 3D song DESCRIPTION: Imagine a song in 3D a little weird, right? but I present you a song in 3D is made with clay and is on a music staff.

INNOVATION IN MUSIC USING TECHNOLOGY By Sebastián Delgado Did you know that during the 20th century, music experienced one of its greatest advances with the appearance of the commercial computer? Innovation in music using technology, is maybe something you already know about, but have you investigated that topic in detail? Technological advances in instruments and their construction, social acceptance of them and video games are going to be some of the topics we are going to talk about in this essay. I believe this topic it’s very important because music is one of the best improvements of humanity and we have used technology in this process. I will tell you everything that you need to know about innovation in music technology in a detailed and easy way to understand. Let’s talk about acoustic to digital. One example of acoustic music to digital music is acoustic piano to electric piano. This is a good improvement because it has a new sound so you can put a sound of guitar to the piano, you can put the volume low or loud, but instead, the acoustic depends on how strong you press the keys. Now let's talk about only voice to voice with micro. The good thing about voice with micro is that it is louder than your voice so more things or people can hear you. And also the megaphone is almost the same as the microphone but it is easier to transport because you have a megaphone with batteries and it already works but most of the microphones need cables, usb bluetooth etc and both are good because, as I have already said before they make more people or things listen to you. Guitar to electric guitar; the good thing about this improvement is that electric guitar is louder so more things or people can hear you and, the guitar has many cables and it has a giant sound box that makes when you play the guitar it sounds super hard and you can lower the volume or you can turn it to the maximum for that m or for a concert and the normal guitar is not so loud not for a concert and it's easy to travel because it's only the guitar and no more. With virtual instruments (daw which means ) you can play music everywhere you want if you have a phone or a pc for downloading the software, the app or the web page and you can compose your own songs . Another way technology has impacted music is in video games. For example in video games, gamers can hear music through video games because for example Lil Nas did a concert and he appeared on roblox so he took a suit and he appeared in the concert virtually and he started singing and all the gamers heard the music that he was singing in the studio (creative ideas to impact audience). Players can play music on games for example the radio of roblox and you can buy it with robux (and robux is the virtual coin of roblox and with robux you can buy gamepasses or things for your avatar in roblox) in games of roblox so for example in some games you can put the radio on your back, you put the song id in roblox and then put it and it starts playing your music. But the players can't remove it. You are the only one who can remove it. In a social context, humans want to facilitate their lives in music so they improve the pianos, the guitar and all the instruments. Technology has helped us improve in many different ways and obviously technology has its own story. Technology in music has helped humans make their work easier, especially for people that make music because now we have apps or webs that compose music and since we are going through a really hard time, having these types of alternatives can not only provide jobs to people but also help us get a lot more data.




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TITLE: Technocyclists DESCRIPTION: I want people know that ride a bike is healthy and that they are doing something good for the environment. I want people to imagine how is going to be ciclism in the future and also its history. I try to show how technology helps cyclists to practice their sport.

HOW TECHNOLOGY IMPACT CICLISM By Silvana Córdoba Did you know that the first person that won the first race of ciclism was British? Ciclism is one of the most popular sports in the world thanks to the advance in technology. Ciclism is the most advanced sport in the world because the technology makes the human adapt faster to the bicycle making it more comfortable to the cyclist in the races. I think that my topic is interesting because bicycles have been part of society and almost everyone has learned to ride a bike and also because it has history. At first, the bicycles were very basic and now they are more advanced. In order to explain better, the history says that the first bicycle was created by Karl von Drais in 1817. It was popular in Germany and France and this was the beginning of cycling. In 1839, a Scotland named Kirkpatrick MacMillan, added to the bicycle cranks and treadmills to the rear. In 1869, is the first time the word bicycle is used and in this year also tires improved. Later in 1884, Thomas Stevens created the “Safety Bicycle”, because in the past, the bicycles had the frontal wheel bigger than the back wheel, and that make it dangerous but, Thomas Stevens created both wheels with the same size, and this make it more safe, and this is the model actually used. On May 31, 1868, the first bicycle race was held in a park in Paris, France, at a distance of 1,200m on a track designated for horse racing. That race was won by the English James Moore. Some important races such as, the Tour of France, take place for the first time in 1903 and won a Frenchman another important race is The Tour of Italy in 1909, now a day, this two races has the Colombian cyclist, Egan Bernal, Rigoberto Uran and Nairo Quintana in the competitions, but it also has international ciclist. These two competitions are really important for the country and the fanatics of ciclism. Cyclist also has a lot of technology in its athletic clothing, it is composed first of all by the bike helmet that every cyclist needs to wear, it is important it fits well. The bike shorts or chamois are made stretch for easy movement while pedaling. It also helps with friction, the jerseys also are stretch, breathable and quick-drying. The cycling jacket helps block the wind and weather, and finally, the bike shoes are clipless pedals, so they need special shoes that engage with the pedals. This special cyclist's clothing style can change depending on the weather. In conclusion, technology has helped a lot on ciclism, this sport always wants to be parallel with technology. As you can see, the technology helps a lot to ciclism on the accessories humans wear and hopefully in the future ciclism will be so advanced and that will make people get more interested in it. On the other hand, you can also practice ciclism in your free time, it is a good activity for your health. I think ciclism needs to keep going like that because it is a healthy sport, it is fun and makes you concentrate on your things. My action is going to be a poster with a bicycle in the middle and I'm going to leave white spaces for the people to put their images riding the bike. This will give them a reward. This idea is to promote the use of bicycles not only in my neighborhood but also at school.




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TITLE: Frog life Description: So I made this artwork to show how technology has affected animals .I chose this because animals are very important for human life and we are killing them. I decided to use Frogs, and simple things because that was similar to my reference. So, to represent how frogs lived before technology and after technology I used a R.I.P sign and the mushroom. I would like to put it in an ecosystem because this is where frogs live.I would prefer to show my artwork in GEN Z..

THE UGLY TRUTH OF TECHNOLOGY By:Martina Forero Moreno Did you know that people that make bad use of technology can have severe diseases? Technology has impacted the world throughout history, in both positive and negative ways. Some people think that the use of technology has to be responsible so that the consequences can have a positive impact in the world, and I definitely agree with them because a friend of mine had social media at 14 (a few days ago). She has vitiligo so for some people that's ugly so she posted some pictures and a man told her some horrible comments and that happened while she was on social media.Thanks to those comments she had severe anxiety and severe depression, to a point where she almost needed to go to a Psychiatric hospital. So social media is one of the biggest impacts of technology and one of the most dangerous. You probably are asking why is it dangerous if it's fun to stay there for hours and I know that, but look at this cases that technology is the reason of something dangerous Charli Damelio, she is 16 she reached 100.000 followers in just one year, and just because of a thing she said, she lost more than 3.000 followers in an hour. That can harm a person, not just the part of losing followers but rather the part of hate. So do you see what technology can do? We also have a case of a 10 year old girl who was trying to make a challenge of tik tok, and while she was making it she died. Antonella Sicomero died because of participating in a dangerous challenge of tik tok. This happened in Palermo, Italy. The dangerous game is for boys and girls of any age, to stop breathing and pass out. This is supposed to make you feel “ strong sensations'' . Thanks to this case in Italy, tik tok was almost prohibited and mostly on kids that are not prepared to have social media like this little girl.Social media also gives kids a very risky disease, Risk of depression: Most kids that spend most time on social media are more likely to have mental issues. Depression is the most common and in many cases leads to medicine or counseling. Experts think that social media is increasing depression. However, many marketing or selling goes through technology and most of it on social media, so if we basically close social media because of health many people are going to lose their job but people also are going to lose communities where they can find help or support easier than in their house. Also on social media there's not just the risk of the depression there are also people who are “different” are being cyberbullied most of them are women, muslims, black people and lgbtq+ but the real question is; Is social media harming us or is it people on social media? Technology has many factors, negative and positive ones, but not just on kids, but also on parents. And something very important is work. Many things have happened at work since technology appeared in our lives. For example, in many jobs the people have been replaced by machines and then many people were unemployed. For example look at this :Technological change was a factor in the number employed falling to less than 5,000 in 2012 in the U.K. So basically technology can cause lots of unemployment all over the world and imagine every single person that worked for years to have food, house, and more to hear a “sorry we replaced you by a machine you can go”. Distraction is one of the most harmful impacts on the workplace because many jobs are involved with machines or electronics. Thanks to this you can have an easy way to see youtube, music, and many more. This is a huge problem because mostly in all the jobs, someone somewhere has a computer (depends on the job) so it is very easy to have contact with the internet. But thanks to technology many people can work with this pandemic, mostly teachers and basically mostly all the work needs something of technology. Imagine that this pandemic passed in 1975. Imagine what could happen in jobs, schools, recreational things, restaurants, and everything because as I was saying, much publicity goes by social media so also some products stay on the market thanks to technology or are still selling. But on the other hand workers today have been more productive than ever because they have the help from technology. The impact of technology on work both manufacturing and in communication, has exponentially increased the rate of production and speed at which business occurs. But it all depends on the type of work you have. Education. Oh my dear good! Well the education on this pandemic has been very difficult for kids, teens, and teachers. On one hand we have apps, videos, books, and many more methods to learn easier but on the other hand we have distraction, games, calculators, not learning and much more so let's find out the negative and the positive of technology on learning. Thanks to all this technology we have a better education or at least we have education, we have a computer, we have teachers, we have apps, and many other things for us to have a good education. One of the apps my school uses and many others schools use is Raz-kids. This app is a very good and kind of fun way to read and practice reading and record yourself while reading and improve. Another app that can help you to learn is called Savvas. This app can help you develop a better way of understanding math, the idea is for your teacher to give you assignments and you should practice and finish them. For example, technology has prepared kids to have a better future because we have all these apps, books and more for them to help them learn. We also have youtube. I mean you can learn but also get distracted very easily and mostly in this virtual class and I kind of understand because it is very boring and difficult but we still need to learn. Most of the kids in class can chat with their friends and get help on an exam or a test and well nobody can notice and mean that's one of the biggest problems of virtuality because the education got worse thanks to this pandemic since it is more difficult and basically you can cheat so easily. So basically you can learn and be distracted with this type of education we have nowadays. As for medicine you probably think that the impact of technology may be all good because we have new ways to cure diseases, covid vaccine, new supplies and more but we also have negative things for example, self diagnosis, wrong medication, and more.This about self medication is not just because of technology also because of humans. For example on this pandemic many people just look on google the symptoms of covid-19 and then just one day they have one of those symptoms and then they think they have covid so they take all the precautions like getting indoors, no contact with people and many more precautions for maybe something that is another virus (WHY IS THIS WRONG?). But i mean many people's lives have been saved thanks to all this new technology changes on the medical part like new supplies for example vital sign monitor, thermometer, microscope, medicine, pregnancy test, I.C.Us with new medical sets and more probability for someone to live or at least a few days, weeks, months, or years. Another help are some robots that scientists and mechanical engineers are making so these robots do surgeries or more. .Self medication can be very dangerous. It can lead to death because if you think that you have a certain disease and then drink some wrong medicine more or less that you should, well it could basically lead you to death. So always remember that if you think you have a disease please contact a doctor or someone professional to see you not google because i don't think you wanna die or have severe diseases Always be aware of technology because it has 2 faces and you mostly see the ugly one. Take care from technology because it can be your best friend but it can also betray you and it can hurt a lot and it can harm you In a medical way, bullying, mental health, learning and more but just try to be on the friend's side and if you see someone on the negative side just help them. To this point you may think I hate technology but I don't. I love it. It's like my best friend just being aware.




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TITLE: The health and resilience like a bear DESCRIPTION: these days we have technology which helps us with many things including medicine and now we have the resilience and health of a bear

THE IMPACT OF TECHNOLOGY IN MEDICINE By Lucas Newmark Yepes Did you know that a long time ago when people got sick or hurt the doctors of the time would just make them eat organic medicine, or they would put rags on the injury which was partly but not completely effective? I believe that could have been a problem because in a very bad sickness like a very deadly virus or an extreme injury, it may have a small impact or no impact at all. And here I will say how technology has evolved and its impact on the world, so if you wish to learn more consider reading the rest of my essay. How we dealt with medical problems then is very different to how we deal with it now, as we see it's been evolving a lot over the last 135 years, taking into account that it was in 1886 when the first technology in medicine was introduced with the first electrocardiogram also known as the ECG. It evaluated the heart of the patient by connecting some plastic tubes that stick to the skin. It inspired many modern machines that have helped us through injurie and sickness. (There is good information here but no solid idea that leads the reader to full understanding of what you want to express. So after all, technology has been the one that helped us and without it, in my opinion, we would have not survived and with the pandemic it would have been very bad, so I think we should appreciate what it's done for us. Without it we would be in serious trouble. From an electrocardiogram to microscopic nano tech that can defeat bacteria super easily. Technology has helped humanity have a better health system in which new and better techniques have been applied to ensure we can overcome different illnesses. This is why I believe that without technology we would have more difficulty to treat new diseases such as the one that has impacted this last couple of years. I would like to help my family track their health using some sort of health bands that are able to monitor our heart beat, the quality of our sleep and many more.




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TITLE: CATV DESCRIPTION: I made this artwork because I love animals, the flowers and also the technology. So I made a sculpture with those three things. It is representing the things that I like so I am very happy to present it the CATV. I hope you like it too. I made this art work to express myself because you can express yourself in many ways, like painting, dancing and a lot of things more but my favorite is painting.

ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE CAN BE THE NEXT BEST THING By Mathew Saenz Did you know that artificial intelligence has advanced in 10 years what it needed to advance in 100 years? Artificial intelligence has a lot of things so you need to see the good things but it can be used in everything, for example I am using artificial intelligence to make my essay because when I put a word that is misspelled, it corrects me so now we are using artificial intelligence in almost everything. I think that it is good in some ways but not in others because if we continue like that, we will be like without using our minds. I always ask myself, what will happen if all our life will be controlled by artificial intelligence not like terminator but like all the things in our life like our cars, our houses, our jobs. But I think that today it helps us a lot so I can say that it has a positive impact in our daily life because if we need to make something like buy fruits, we can ask google things like google “buy watermelons and apples’’ and you can go to your work and don't be late. A way that artificial intelligence can help us is in education because we can learn with games and also artificial intelligence is helping people with mental problems. In China they have headbands that connect with the brain and look if the person is paying attention and send that information to the cellphone of the teacher and also their parents. China has very good technology, so they have robots that when you call them, they go to you but the real thing is that they are used for them to be able to learn, so they have cameras in their eyes to see if the students are paying attention and also for students not to copy in their exams. China also has one robot that looks at the lunch if the kids are eating good, with vegetables, protein and also carbohydrates. Some artificial intelligence makes a room for students to learn so they put the student into a comfortable and very safe room and if the room doesn't work they change the room again. The student's clothes have trackers so when the student goes very far away it tells the teachers , and also it has a camera that sees everything that the student makes . Artificial intelligence is also very advanced in the houses because you literally can control all your tv with only your finger. You can turn on the tv, increase the volume, change the channel and a lot of other things more, this is because it has a camera up that you can program for that. It recognizes your finger and you can make some movements to tell it what to do. Artificial intelligence has evolved in house assistants and it actually makes the work in the house like cooking and cleaning. Also it can wake you up so you can program it to work as an alarm. Another thing is a camera that takes photos at any moment when it sees a face. It also edits the photo so they don't look bad. Also some curtains that have solar panels to have energy and also if there is no sun it closes and if there is sun it opens. You can program the curtains with your cell phone so it knows at which hour it is open and also in which hour it is closed. Also artificial intelligence has advanced in the vehicles ,nowadays some cars have a lot of cameras and sensors so we can control ourselves and take us to our destination. It also works with the satellite. Did you know that some pavement has sensors that control the velocity? That pavement works with sensors that control the velocity so when someone passes they use a velocity control to see how fast a vehicle is going through. In conclusion, artificial intelligence can help us in all our life and it is very useful.The artificial intelligence is very advanced and we need to use it appropriately. So artificial intelligence helps us in many ways so we need to know how to use it because we won't use its potential. I would like to make an animation that represents what I have learned throughout this exhibition process and I will show it to my parents and look for their feedback.




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TITLE: Gamemmunication DESCRIPTION: My artwork is a sculpture that represents a video game control, its made with clay and white paint.

THE POWER OF COMMUNICATION THROUGH TECHNOLOGY By Juan Jacobo Gómez Did you know the reason why we are racional animals is the way we are able to communicate? Communication is one of the most important things of survival and evolution of humanity. The ways communication have changed has also made humanity evolve as a society and be bigger and racional so I think that a dog or any other animal could be as intelligent as us if they developed better ways of communication to understand each other or with other species. What I just said isn't actually that possible but within a few 1000 years, the species could be more rational and intelligent. The ability we have to communicate helps us a lot in our survival so we could live as a community helping each other. We as humans have the power of communication but there's a lot more to talk about. Imagine living 200 years ago. Life was not that easy, electronic devices didn't exist and we have to store food in salt or in an icy place. And also communication was not easy because long distance communication was harder because they didn't have some devices like cell phones, telegraphs or telephones that communicate instantly to other people but now we invented those useful items to communicate in long distances. Before we had to use letters and a letter takes a long time to get to you, you would have it in a month but when people needed to inform people instantly they used a big torch to produce smoke, that was called smoke signals. Smoke signals were used to alarm people of a war or to maybe to ask for help. One of the first big technological advancements was the telegraph. The telegraph was a device that helped us communicate over long distances. To use the telegraph you had to press some buttons and the buttons emitted a sound that represented letters. This sound was a different alphabet that helped you communicate for long distances and it was called the Morse code. Once you finish the message you send it to the people you wanted to. A few years later the telephone was invented. The telephone was a very good advancement for humanity. The telephone was a device that helped us communicate in different languages over long distances, to use the telephone you had to call, then a person helped you to call the person you wanted to talk with. Not much time ago the cell phone was invented. The cellphone is a device that not only you can talk with people, you can see people and do more things and the cellphone was so revolutionary that most of the people have it nowadays. Communication is one of the most important things for humanity because communication helps us understand each other and if we couldn’t understand each other we could not evolve as a group, for example a baby. A baby is not rational but when he starts learning to speak and communicate he or she is starting to be more rational and he or she can understand people. Some of us know how important communication is but it's not only that communication is important, it is also important that we use it well, like speaking appropriately in the language you speak. Communication is not only important for us, it's also important for animals because if the animals didn't know how to communicate they couldn't survive because their babies couldn't learn something to survive in nature. Babies learn by copying what their mom does and in many other ways. Communication is also important for groups of animals when some animals are going to hunt in groups they have to communicate before hunting their prey. If communication didn't exist, life wouldn't make sense, evolution would not exist and all people or animals would be totally different. There are many ways of communication that we use all the time, for example feelings. Feelings are one of the most important ways that we use to communicate because one single feeling can express more than one single thing. Feelings express what we feel and why we feel it. The tv is a way that people use to communicate. You might think that the tv is just for watching movies or seeing cartoons but the tv is not only for entertainment is also to inform people like in the news for example and if we didn't have the tv, how would some people inform 7 billion people of the covid -19 and also how they would inform people of important things . Video meetings for example are a very good way to communicate if you have to make an important reunion with people of other countries you make a meeting ,a zoom, a teams or another type of video meetings. Video meetings help you communicate with people from very far away. You can not just travel and travel every single day, you can make a meeting and you can talk with your family and also see it. Talking is the most important way of communication. Talking is the way of communication we most use. If we couldn't talk it would be a lot harder to communicate, to express a feeling you have to talk about in the news you talk about in meetings. In conclusion, communication has helped us a lot in our daily life even a long time ago with smoke signals , telegraphs and telephones. Communication has also helped us to be racional and create buildings and more things so I think that a dog or any other could be as racional as us if they were able to communicate like we do. Communication is the basic thing of survival. If a group of animals couldn't communicate with each other, they couldn't hunt. Communication is the most amazing thing we are able to do, that's all we need to talk about. I hope you understand and learn a new thing.




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TITLE: A boring day DESCRIPTION: I was bored and I did ame up with this story to feel happy. At the end it came up a big stop motion, I always try to create stories based on my experiences.

THE REAL IMPACT OF TECHNOLOGY ON THE WORLD By: Emiliano Estrada Uribe Did you know that technology can save us and destroy us at the same time? If you want to know more about this, consider reading my essay. With technology humans nowadays can do whatever we want. Humans advanced a lot in medicine, arts, gastronomy and more things but the problem is that now humans are using technology all day. If you go on a train, a bus, on the street or wherever you will see people on their phone at all times. Sometimes they are working but the big problem forms when there is excessive time on their phones, computer, iPad, tablet, or video games. I recommend you go out and have friends. But be fearful with covid 19 because life is not a video game, it is one opportunity to be happy and don’t give up trying to do things. Keep trying all day for new things and explore all opportunities in your life . Medicine helps us a lot nowadays because of covid. But don’t forget that the Medicine is made by humans, but the medicine was done with a purpose, That was to help people. The people are advancing every day and that is awesome. Technology helps people do everything they propose and everyday they try to save lives with things that we have been studying for years and that is something that amazes me. Technology has also helped a lot of people with problems. Once I went out and I saw a man with a replacement hand. After this my face was of how incredible this was and I wanted the world to continue creating new things and helping people from all around the world. My dad is a chef and over the years gastronomy has changed a lot. Decades ago, we used natural resourses. We killed animals and we ate them. Now we process the food and we have special people that prepare them to eat. In the past humans were very careful at choosing their meals, nowadays we basically eat everything that moves. In the past our weapons were of rock and we killed any animal to survive, the animals were food and we only burned them and ate them. The sad part is that animals are living things and I believe they have feelings, and for a child like me is sad to know that we can play and love this creature and then kill it. Entertainment has changed a lot throughout time. Before, kids went out and played, they played board games and their mothers fought for them to go inside home. Now all children are on iPads or phones all day including me. Sometimes I sleep so late and for me to wake up and go to school is a fight. Moms actually fight for you to go out and be in a green place, maybe a park. Sometimes for my brother to eat my mom gives him a phone. My family wants what's better for me but I have school for like 8 hours a day and I take my phone to chat and my mom is saying that I am all day on that thing and this is not fair but I know it's all for the best . In my opinion technology shouldn´t be an excuse not to be happy, to get out without a phone and to be with the family. Rather go and eat in a restaurant, be yourself, have friends, meet new people and get a girlfriend or a boyfriend. Be happy and live life, do exercise, run and play and have a limited amount of time to be on the Internet because now more than ever we have to care of ourselves.

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