Want to make creations as awesome as this one?

Healthy food, good for you, good for the planet!





Have you got a healthy diet? Roll the dice and let's find out! The winner reaches the finishing line without eating any sugar, fats or sweets!






You had a bowl full of salad with your lunch! Well done! You can roll the dice again!!!

Eating a big bar of chocolate wasn't a good idea... You must go back!

There was some some sugar in your milk today. You lose your turn...

Fish with boiled vegetables is a healthy and tasty combination! Well done! Play again!

Eating a big ice-cream makes you miss two turns.

You had a legume soup at dinner, well done! Repeat your score!

It's your birthday and mummy has prepared a delicious cake, so you have taken a very big slice. Too much sugar and fats! Poor teeth! Miss two turns.

You had fresh fruit as a morning snack! Go three spaces ahead.

You added olive oil in your meal instead of butter, well done! Roll your dice again!

You preferred water to a fizzy drink for lunch. Great! Go two spaces ahead!

Italy - Rules in green font

RULES edited by:

Greece - Set up and first rules - black font