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outstanding! 5
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Bookoutstanding! 5




Greatest inventions



Do you have any thoughts on how to make the world a better place? The things we normally take for granted in the modern world, like computers, lightbulbs, or air-conditioning, were once just concepts in some people’s minds.


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Discussion questions


Page 10

feasible - creativity - useless - prototype - utility - patented

Page 11

OPTIONS:ingenious exaggeration install nag creativity backbreaking

Page 12

Elevator Misery

OPTIONS:ingenious exaggeration install nag creativity backbreaking

Page 12

Elevator Misery


Reading comprehension

Page 14

Describing Financial Success

Making Lots of Money

make a killing - It's very rare to make a killing on the first investment. It takes a lot of time and patience. make a fortune - I hear Sarah is making a fortune with sales from her latest novel. rake in the dough - Lucia has been raking in the dough since she became a corporate lawyer.

Suddenly Becoming Rich or successful

hit the jackpot - Stop wasting your money on lottery tickets—it's not like you'll ever hit the jackpot. hit pay dirt - The band hit pay dirt with their first single. strike it rich - My wife struck it rich by developing an app that synchronizes business data.

Page 14


Show excessive enthusiasm

blow (something) out of proportion - Don't blow this up out of proportion, Bill—I was late because of traffic.

go overboard - It's easy to go overboard with a new stock offering.

make too much of (something) - Bill made too much of the fact that he'd been to Europe three times.


be / act like a drama queen - Don't worry, he's just being a drama queen.

Page 13

be / get fed up with (something / someone) - I'm fed up with all these delays.


Talking about Annoyances

be (such) an annoyance - It's such an annoyance to have to drive you everywhere. be a (total) pain in the neck - Joan is a real pain in the neck, with her constant complaining. get on (one’s) nerves - Nothing personal, but your voice is really getting on my nerves.

(something / someone)

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