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Hydraulic Study of Production Flow Lines from Well’s Platforms to the SPF Process Station 
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net to oil


Hydraulic Study of Production Flow Lines from Well’s Platforms to the SPF Process Station



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6. Discussion and results


9. References

8. Recommendations

7. Conclusions

5. Softwar

4. Methodology

3. Methodology

2. Introduction

1. Abstract

In Block A, particularly in the southern part, there are flow lines for produced coming from the platforms of the X, Y, Z and W fields and the operating parameters of these pipelines have varied over time mainly due to the flow of fluids as water, oil and gas produced on each platform.


We realized the hydraulic study in order to identify improvements in the operation, optimizing and reducing the problems generated by the type of flow within the pipes and other parameters which can affect


The hydraulic study has been developed using the DPDL software and a Macros at Excel through the Visual Basic programming language. Our proposal is to estimate the necessary data to optimize and keep the flow lines operating safely and efficiently.

In pipelines, gas and liquid flow occurs frequently and the precision of the pressure drop calculation is very important in the oil industry. Gas-liquid mixtures are transported long distances causing pressure drops that influence system design. .



Multiphase flow involves many variables, including flow rates, physical properties, pipe diameters, and inclination angles. The problem is compounded by the presence of many processes such as phase slippage, flow patterns, movement at the gas-liquid interface, and possible heat and mass transfer.



Determine flow pattern

Other important parameters were calculated and considered in this study in order to prepare the hydraulic study such as the length, diameters of the pipe lines, some fluid properties but for now we present the most relevant in order to determine the flow pattern and the pressure drops.

We have considered Beggs and Brill correlation as ideal for our study, the reasons is because of it does not have limiting and is optimal for all ranges of costs and pipe diameters.


  • This Software aims to determine either the head pressure or the reservoir pressure. It also helps us to recognize what type of flow we have, if it is transitory or turbulent. As well as the pressure losses, density and viscosity of the liquid.
  • In the input data we have: the flow of water, oil and gas, the distance of the pipe, its diameter, roughness, its API degree and temperature.
  • Used to determine the type of flow and pressure drop.
  • It is important makes some adjust to obtain real results.




In the last image we have the design of southern surface facilities

From the minimum flow or maximum flow relationship with the current flow, the percentage of pipeline efficiency was obtained. As shown in the second table

In the first table we have the minimum and maximum monophase flows allowed within the pipe-flow relationship, which has been applied for the values handled in the X, Y, Z, W, V fields.

discussions and results

From X B to SPF we have an efficiency of 9.15% which indicates that the flow is very insufficient and we could join it to another line to have less cost and more efficiency. It could join X A and both reach the SPF with higher pipeline efficiency.

Since V - Y 1 has a low efficiency of 8.80%, this line of V could join Y A to produce more flow in that pipe.

On the 10 in line of the section YB - LYA 12 it is necessary that the pipe handles 35% of its capacity for a maximum flow and 55% for the handling of a minimum flow, so its flow can be increased by 65% to reach the maximum rate permissible in the management of this pipe or 45% to handle the minimum allowable flow.

On the 16 in. line corresponding to the YA - SPF section, the pipe must handle 50% of its capacity for a maximum flow and 78% for a minimum flow, so its flow can be increased by 50% to reach the maximum flow rate or increase by 22% to reach the minimum flow rate, the same happens for the section YA - LY 16.


  • It is advisable to take into account the load drops due to elevation from the topographic profile of the pipe
  • Take into account the behavior of the fluid at the entrance of the main lines, as this changes the behavior of the flow. It is recommended to use the software for more realistic results.
  • According to table 3 it has that in section Y A - Y 14 on the 12 in line. There is a fluid supersaturation. The Y A well pad contains two lines, so it is recommended to distribute this fluid towards the Y A - SPF line since it has an additional 22% to handle the maximum allowable flow.
  • Study the analytical methods and correlations to know which are the most indicated depending on the type of flow and geometry of the well. Also take into account operating conditions.


[1] Beggs, D. (1991). Gas Production Operations. Oil & Gas, Tulsa, Oklahoma: Consultants International Publications.[2] Beggs, D. (1991). Production Optimization Using Nodal Analysis (Second Edition). Tulsa, Oklahoma: OGCI and Petroskills Publications.[3] Brill, J. Mukherjee, H. (1999). “Multiphase in Flow Wells”, Richardson,Texas: Monograph Volume 17 SPE. [4] Brown, K. y Beggs, D. (1977). The Technology of Artificial Lift Methods. PennWell Publishing Company. [5] McCain, Jr. W. (1990), The Properties of Petroleum Fluids (Second Edition). Tulsa, Oklahoma: PennWell Publishing Company. [6] Mott, R. (2006). Mecánica de fluidos. México: Pearson Educación. [7] Shoham, O. (2005). Mecanistic Modeling of Gas-Liquid Two-Phase Flow in Papes. (First Edition). Tulsa: Society of Petroleum Engineers. [8] Vázquez, M. y Beggs, M.D. (1980). “Correlations for Fluid Physical Property Prediction”. June, J.P.T.


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