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Mansi Madhani, Naviya Ravi, Rishna Renikunta, Akshitha Venkataraman
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Mansi Madhani, Naviya Ravi, Rishna Renikunta, Akshitha Venkataraman



How does increasing consumerism affect the financial mentality of Americans?

History of Consumerism

Consumerism in Rural vs. Urban Areas

Mass Production


Advertising and Consumerism

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Issue: Various factors have caused consumerism to increase in the United States, thus influencing people to become highly materialistic.

Hover your mouse over the years to learn more about past consumer trends!

How did consumerism increase in the past and affect the financial mentalities of those living during these time periods?





  • A postwar economic boom occurred after World War II
  • Factories began to produce common goods, such as appliances and cars.

Approximately 62% of Americans owned a home by 1960.

  • Wealthy Americans, such as former president Ronald Reagan, displayed their affluence to society through the media
  • the rise of telemarketing and malls occurred

Most Americans received substantially larger incomes than their predecessors did

How do finanical mentalities differ in rural areas vs urban areas?



-a larger population of wealthier people in urban areas- urban populations lean towards spending more on dining out and public transportations - an expanding presence of popular culture and new technologies in urban areas- ideas and concepts are spread much more quicker through technology - a huge information and digital divide exists between the rural and urban residents

- a larger population of less fortunate people in rural areas- rural populations lean towards spending more on private vehicles and food at home- a lack of new technology, advertising, and popular culture in rural areas- ideas and concepts are not spread as quickly due to a lack of technology- With a growing digital divide in rural areas, rural residents are less influenced by advertising and popular culture

- over time, both rural and urban areas have seen a surge in consumerism

What is the correlation between advertising and consumerism, and how does this relationship affect the financial mentalities of Americans?

Proliferation of Advertising Methods in the United States

The Effect of Advertising on Consumerism

  • Industrialization proliferated advertising methods
  • The printing press gave rise to newspapers
  • Mass production, transcontinental railroad, and the telegraph increased consumerism
  • Radio, television, internet, online platforms

  • Advertisements accommodate commercialized societies
  • Advertising is evident in our everyday lives
  • Image advertising and television increase consumerism
  • Intangible standards can be attained through consumption

What are the causes of mass production, and its repurcussions on economic knowledge in teenagers?

Assembly line of production

"Products"- effects

-Creation of the assembly line --> promotes efficiency and productivity -Replacement with machinery and simple mechanical motions for workers

- Idea of “Fordism” --> more products, greater quantity - Rising middle class and rapid industrialization - Easier accessibility towards the masses

Globalization --> promoting mass production Import and export of different materials Digital media and advertising further enable consumerism

Economic disparities in teenagers with little financial understanding Easier accessibility and greater spending Mass production leads to easier consumerism

Our Solution

Our solution to prevent American teenagers from becoming overly materialistic is to implement a minimalism campaign. In this campaign, we will:

Benefits Of a minimalism campaign

Hang posters that discuss the importance of financial responsibility and explain how excessive consumerism has caused many people to become highly materialistic.

Reach out to our school’s Vanguard TV and ask them to do a segment on the issues that consumerism has caused for the financial mentalities of American teens.

Conduct monthly seminars that will discuss various topics relating to consumerism and the effects of consumerism.

By implementing a minimalism campaign, the teenagers in our neighborhood can:

  • Save a plentitude of money as they buy new possessions less frequently
  • Set aside enough money to embark on a life-changing experience, such as a dream vacation with their friends and family
  • Follow the same minimalist path that many wealthy, influential figures have adopted, such as Steve Jobs or Mark Zuckerberg
  • Focus on social relations, hobbies, and other activities as a source of contentment

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