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english project

of 4th year students


Eugenia Gonzalez

Rocio Fernandez

Candela Kovalansky

Delfina Bogado

Tobias Forestieri

Santiago Jara

Tatiana Dell Olio


Dell Oio: . Why is it called “The curse of Congo”Jara. How does the rest of the world proceed respect to this situation?Bogado. What is Coltan?. What`s it used for?Kovalansky. final reflection. the "genially"Fernandez. Workers’ situation.. Illegal trafficForestieri. How much is it demanded worldwide?. What`s the price of a ton of coltan?Gonzales. Where is it found?. How is it obtained?

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How does the rest of the world proceed respect to this situation?

Why is it called “The curse of Congo”?

illegal trafic

workers situation

What`s the price of a ton of coltan?

How much is it demanded worldwide?

What`s it used for?

how is it contained?

where is it found?

what is coltan?


However, technology is not only important for that, it is also valuable to communicate with your lelatives and friends, to meet people from other countries, etc. we use it for lots of things because it is part of our life. So we think they should change the way they exploit people or look for other ways to extract the mineral. Since it is very toxic and the exploitation of people produces many deaths. People should not work under those conditions.

Our final reflection is that coltan is really important to society because it is used to make cell phones, laptops, and many other electronic products. Today, technology is essential to grow, evolve and live. For example: the last two years we had to have online classes due to the pandemic (for that we used our cellphones and computers).

final reflection