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Progress on SDG 12
 Using SDGTracker

20 percent of the world's final energy consumption 
in 2013 was from 
renewable sources
If people everywhere switched to energy efficient lightbulbs, the world would save $120 billion annually
$120 billion
3 percent of the world’s water is  drinkable, and humans are using it faster than nature can replenish it
1.3 billion tons of food is wasted every year, while almost 2 billion people go hungry or undernourished
1.3 billion
10 percent of the world's population live in extreme poverty
Globally, 2 billion people are overweight or obese
2 billion
Facts & Figures 
+ info
Achieving economic growth and sustainable development requires that we urgently reduce our ecological footprint by changing the way we produce and consume goods and resources. Agriculture is the biggest user of water worldwide, and irrigation now claims close to 70 percent of all freshwater for human use.
Ensure sustainable consumption and
production patterns
Sustainable Development Goals
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Sustainable Development Goals


Ensure sustainable consumption andproduction patterns

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Sustainable Development Goals Explained: SDG 12 - responsible consumption and production

Source: United Nations #Envision2030 https://tinyurl.com/aswr8aub

Achieving economic growth and sustainable development requires that we urgently reduce our ecological footprint by changing the way we produce and consume goods and resources. Agriculture is the biggest user of water worldwide, and irrigation now claims close to 70 percent of all freshwater for human use.

+ info


Facts & Figures

2 billion

Globally, 2 billion people are overweight or obese


10 percent of the world's population live in extreme poverty

1.3 billion

1.3 billion tons of food is wasted every year, while almost 2 billion people go hungry or undernourished


3 percent of the world’s water is drinkable, and humans are using it faster than nature can replenish it

$120 billion

If people everywhere switched to energy efficient lightbulbs, the world would save $120 billion annually


20 percent of the world's final energy consumption in 2013 was from renewable sources

Progress on SDG 12 Using SDGTracker

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