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Evolution Timeline

James Hutton

Hutton born in United Kingdom, who discovered that our planet is enormously older than people believed and that members of species vary, and that when the environment changes over time, those individuals best adapted to the new environment will survive and while those poorly adapted will perish

Jean Baptiste Lamarck

Lamarck born in France, believe that living things evolved in a continuous upward direction, from dead matter through simple to more complex form, towards human "perfection, he believes that the species do not die out but instead they change into other species.

Thomas Malthus

Malthus born in the United Kingdom, he was well now for his theory that population growth always tends to outrun the food supply and the betterment of humankind is impossible without a strict limit on reproduction.

Georges Cuvier

Charles Lyell

Charles Darwin

Darwin born in the United Kingdom proposes the theory of biological evolution of natural selection, he came up with the idea that species changed over time, that natural selection causes the population to adapt.

Alfred Russel Wallace

Cuvier was born in France, the naturalist developed his theory of catastrophes, accordingly, fossils show that animal and plant species are destroyed time and again by deluges and natural cataclysms and that new species evolve only after.

Wallace born in Great Britain, Wallace was the co-discovery alongside Darwin of natural selection. Wallace collected more than 100,000 insect, birds, and animal specimens to conduct his experiments, he came to the conclusion that living thing evolve and that they evolved by adapting to their environment

June 3, 1726 - March 26, 1797

Aug 01, 1744 - Dec 18, 1829

Feb 13, 1766 -Dec 23,1834

Aug 23, 1769 - May 13, 1832

Nov 14, 1797 - Feb 22, 1875

Feb 12, 1809 - April 19, 1882

Jan 8, 1823 - Nov 7, 1913

Lyell born in the United Kingdom argued that the formation of Earth's crust took place through countless small changes occurring over a vast period of time, proposing that the forces molding the planet today have operated continuously throughout its history.