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Prevention-ledData drivenMulti-agency

A public health approach

These national level factors can counter slavery & promote wellbeing

A public health approach to modern slavery

A framework to support policy, strategy and practice in the UK

national factors

These factors can counter slavery & promote wellbeing at the local level

regional and local factors

How services are designed can counter slavery & promote wellbeing

service design factors

How services are delivered can counter slavery & promote wellbeing

service delivery factors

  1. Understanding the problem at a population level
  2. What is driving it? Framing the problem as part of a complex, interdependent system
  3. Collating data and evidence of what works/what happens
  4. Prevention (better than cure)
  5. Health and wellbeing protection
  6. Multi-agency/partnership working
  7. Equity, social justice, advocacy and human rights

Legislative protection e.g. victim immunity from prosecution (consistent application of Section 45) & protection for survivors outside of referral systems Clear legislative duty of care Whole systems engagement & response; private, public, third sector & civil society Survivor-centred, rights-based policy & criminal justice system Coherence, coordination & consistency across policy (e.g. foreign, migration, anti-trafficking, welfare, health) Adequate and accurate data & intelligence gathering and sharing Use of evidence-led interventions at scale Public awareness/education promotion National infrastructure for effective referral, assessment and support Political commitment; non-partisan Fully resourced, long-term strategic and operational plan e.g. sustainable prevention coordination through Anti-Slavery Partnership Networks Strong regulatory compliance standards & mechanisms e.g. inspection of care standards, labour regulations Policy implementation guidance that can be applied in the local context

Multi-agency partnerships: At the core of effective counter-slavery local action Public awareness/ education/ readiness Community resilience building Bespoke local strategies - context driven, fully resourced Well resourced & integrated infrastructure for survivor support Political and senior leadership in the local system ('systems leadership') Trust-building interventions with at-risk populations and local organisations and practitioners e.g. social work, health, police, community organisations

  1. RESPONSIVENESS: Rapid, early stage response services focusing on i) safety, ii) meeting survivors' immediate needs, iii) dignity and autonomy
  2. REPORTING: Clear reporting mechanisms with actionable outcomes
  3. MAINSTREAMING: Ensuring services are 'modern slavery aware' e.g. 'Making Every Contact Count' approach
  4. PLANNING: Transparent, clear responsibilities, operational procedures and allocation of personnel across services
  5. CARE: Coordinated between multi-disciplinary professionals, wrap-around, holistic, personalised/tailored, long-term survivor care that meets specified standards
  6. SPECIALIST SERVICES: Development and adequate resourcing of services designed to meet specific needs, bearing in mind intersecting vulnerabilities and ability to access services e.g. outreach services, free legal advice
  7. EVALUATION & RESEARCH: In-built, robust development and testing of tools and interventions
  8. DIVERSITY: A diverse workforce of service delivery practitioners
  9. TRAINING: Adequately trained practitioners

  1. EMPOWERMENT: Enabled decision-making, communication support for speakers of languages other than English, focus on the dignity and autonomy of the individual and their families
  2. TRAUMA-INFORMED PRACTICE: Across all interventions designed to support victims and survivors
  3. PEER-LED support: Opportunities for peer connection and support among survivors
  4. TAILORED & PERSON-CENTRED SUPPORT ACROSS THE RECOVERY JOURNEY: Services tailored along the trajectory of individual and family recovery
  5. CULTURALLY COMPETENT: Flexible to the needs of diverse communities

What is public health? The science and art of promoting and protecting health and wellbeing, preventing ill-health and prolonging life through the organised efforts of society (Acheson 1988)