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Ida, Maty, Chainez and Tiffany


Famous languages

Less famous languages


The world and his languages

Original languages



HOw many languages will be spoken by 2050 ?

Language : the principal method of human communication, consisting of words used in a structured and conventional way and conveyed by speech, writing, or gesture by Google It's a complicated definition isn't it ? To simplify it, we could say it's a way to communicate with each other with our voice, writing or gesture.


Damin This native language is spoken by around ten people in Queenslande. It's one of the last native language ( SO SAD )

Rotokas ( better and better ) This language comes from Guinea and is spoken by less and less people.It's consist of 6 consonants, 5 vowels and have INFINITESIMALLY SMALL ALPHABET : AEGIKOPRSTUV.

First we have Wilamonowicien ( so hard to pronounce) that is spoken in Poanland. This language is spoken by few people ( normal given to the words that are so difficult to pronounce) and is a old german's language.

We make an inventory of 6000 languages spoken in the world. In consequences most of them are unknown (maybe because of their strange name ) :


° In the original language we've decided to put the Sign Language and braille language.Don't think the sign language is really easy. Okay, there are less words than in the voiced language BUT there are still different languages in the sign language. ° For the braille language, those who use the latin language use the same braille. but others have a different one.You can do music with braille... Yes... Musique !

Original languages

The most spoken languages

The world and HIS languages

For exemple in France to say Wednesday :° We say "Mercredi" in north ° "Dimècres " in south° "Dimerher" in Brittany ° And "Mècres" in east center ( WAOUH!! four differents way to say the same word :Why make life harder??!! )

A dialect is a particular form of a language which is peculiar to a specific region or social group


We are not sure of the numbers of speakers per country because every site said a different dumber






More and more people will speak those languages. They are currently under developpement. French is also a know language which is going to rise the number of speakers in the future.

Famous languages

It's maybe a joke or not ............

" The countries most affected by the covid are russia, The United kingdom and france. That's why the population is decreasing and the language spoken there is going to disappear. So in 2050 we are going to speak in large part English because in Australia the covid had disappear "


Hej da!




