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Learning Theories

(Part 1)

Cognitivism Theory

Constructivism Theory

Major theorist:

  • John B. Watson & Ivan Pavlov
Major characteristics of theory:
  • Behaviors are conditioned and can be learned and reinforced through exposure (Puskar, 2021).
The role of memory:
  • Hard wiring of repeated experiences (Levy, 2011).
How learning occurs:
  • Learning occurs when new behaviors or changes in behaviors are acquired through associations between stimuli and responses (Kelly, 2012).
The types of learning:
  • Recall strategies such as flash cards
  • Drills and repetitive practice
  • Positive reinforcement/reward systems

Major theorist:

  • Jean Piaget
Major characteristics of theory:
  • This theory explains the mental processes and how they are influenced by both internal and external factors in order to produce learning in an individual (Kelly, 2021).
  • the learner takes in, interprets, stores, and retrieves information (Kelly, 2021).
The role of memory:
  • Information is stored in memory in an organized, meaningful manner (Ertmer, 2013).
  • Teachers are responsible for assisting learners in organizing that information in some optimal way (Ertmer, 2013).
How learning occurs:
  • Learning occurs when information is received, organized, stored, and retrieved by the mind (Ertmer, 2013).
The types of learning:
  • General organization.
  • The use of graphic organizers, hierarchical relationships, and matrices to help learners relate new information to prior knowledge.

Major theorist:

  • John Dewey
Major characteristics of theory:
  • Learning is being constructed, rather than being acquired (Kelly, 2012).
  • The learner is a constructor of his or her own learning.
  • Since everyone has a different set of experiences and perceptions, learning is unique for each person (Kelly, 2012).
The role of memory:
  • Memory is always under construction as a cumulative history of interactions.
  • Constructivists emphasize the flexible use of pre-existing knowledge rather than the recall of prepackaged schemas (Ertmer, 2013).
How learning occurs:
  • Students learn best when engaged in learning experiences rather passively receiving information.
  • students engage in real-world, practical workshops in which they demonstrate their knowledge through creativity and collaboration (Buffalo University, 2021).
  • Students should be provided with opportunities to think from themselves and articulate their thoughts.
The types of learning:
  • Hands on activities,
  • Using manipulatives or realia
  • Group work
  • Reciprocal teaching/learning
  • Think, pair, share
  • Problem based learning

Behaviorism Theory

References Buffalo University. (2021). Constructivism. University at Buffalo Center for Educational Innovation. http://www.buffalo.edu/ubcei/enhance/learning/constructivism.html#:~:text=Constructivism%20is%20the%20theory%20that,%2Dexisting%20knowledge%20(schemas). Ertmer, P. A. (2013). Chapter 11. Behaviorism, cognitivism, constructivism comparing critical features from an instructional design perspective. Pressbooks. https://lidtfoundations.pressbooks.com/chapter/behaviorism-cognitivism-constructivism/#:~:text=within%20the%20environment.-,What%20is%20the%20role%20of%20memory%3F,of%20a%20response%20over%20time. Kelly, J. (2012). Learning theories. The Peak Performance Center. https://thepeakperformancecenter.com/educational-learning/learning/theories/#:~:text=Behaviorists%20believe%20that%20learning%20actually,to%20a%20change%20in%20behavior. Levy, D. (2011). Lessons learned from participating in a connectivist massive online open course (MOOC). ResearchGate. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/268363281_Lessons_Learned_from_Participating_in_a_Connectivist_Massive_Online_Open_Course_MOOC. Puskar, M. (2021). 4 behavioral theorists that made their mark on psychology. Better Help. https://www.betterhelp.com/advice/behavior/4-behavioral-theorists-that-made-their-mark-on-psychology/.