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  • Abraham Maslow was a famous American Psychologist that developed the 5 stages of the Hierarchy of needs. At the base of the pyramid are our needs such as food and water, and at the top the are the self-transcendence needs.
  • Clark Hull was the psychologist that proposed the drive reduction theory. He was also well known for his attempt to give mathematical expressions to psychological theory.
  • Drive Reduction theory explains that when a phsyiological need increases, so does our psychological drive to reduce that need. Drive Reduction is one of the ways our bodies strive for homeostasis.
  • Yerkes-Dodson Law states that moderat arousal leads to optimal performace. Optimal arousal levels depend on the task, with more difficult tasks requiring lower arousal for best performance.
  • Instinct theory, now replaced by evolutionary perspective, focused on genetic predispositions as the source of our motivations. But many more behaviors are directed by both physiological needs and psychological wants

"It is necessary for a man to live in beauty rather than ugliness as it is necessary for him to have food for an aching belly or rest for a weary body." -Abraham Maslow



Gavin Hassel

Motivational Concepts



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