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Learning landslide hazard in a virtual environment at University level combining real case study, collaborative work and innovative tools

Synchronous activity

Online resource

Asynchronous activity

Field trip

Marta Guinau* and Glòria Furdada*

* RISKNAT Research Group, Geomodels Institute, Dpt. Dinàmica de la Terra I de l’Oceà, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain (mguinau@ub.edu)


Mouvements de terrain - Chute de blocs by Graphithèque from Adobe Stocks

INTRODUCTION: Internet information of undeniable quality that can be easily accessed is basic: The Landslide Blog by Dave Petley (https://blogs.agu.org/landslideblog/) in Blogosphere hosted by AGU (American Geophysical Union) provides valuable and updated information on landslide events occurring worldwide. The learning activities are structured around several cases selected by the lecturer from the blog to ensure the analysis of the most frequent landslide types. (see activities description in the interactive elements) ACTIVITY CONTEXT: Master's Degree: Mineral Resources and Natural Hazards Subject: Landslide and Snow Avalanche Risk Issue: Tipología y causas de las inestabilidades de ladera Objectives: - Identify, characterize and classify different types of landslides - Identify control and triggering factors of the slope instability cases analyzed

Study Case Analysis (autonomous work of students): Each student analyses and extract the characteristics of his/her slope instability case. Students have to: - Identify the landslide type according to Hungr et al., 2014 (available in the link next to the activity with the journal subscription of the University of Barcelona) - Describe:

  • Geomorphological characteristics
  • Materials involved
  • Mobilization mechanisms
  • Control and triggering factor
  • Other relevant aspects

Collaborative work: During a predetermined time (1-2 weeks), students collaboratively compile all the information in a Google sheet (accessible through the link next to the activity) to synthesize the geomorphological characteristics, materials involved, mobilization mechanisms and control and triggering factors based on the specific content of each study case and extrapolating it to a general description of each type of slope instability. The progress of the student's work is supervised and guided through a forum tool in the Virtual Campus of the subject.

Interactive image preparation: Each student selects and organizes the significant information about each case by building an interactive image in Genially - Choose a representative image of the case study - Log in Genial.ly - And start creating content Interactive images must contain: - General description of the event (location and contextualization) - Identification of the slope instability type according to Hungr, et al., 2014 - Geomorphological characteristics - Materials involved - Mobilization mechanisms - Control and triggering factors

1st synchronous session: Presentation and Introductory Concepts The lecturer presents the learning action (objectives, tasks, and assessment goals) using an interactive image created in Genially platform. - What the students know about: Slope Instability Definition Types and classification Control Factors Triggering Factors Study Case Selection: Each student selects one of the cases proposed by the lecturer and he/she compile relevant information about it. All the cases are real cases selected from "The Landslide Blog" by Dave Petley in Blogosphere hosted by AGU (see the link next to the activity). The cases have been selected taking into account that most frequent landslide types are represented and that they contain the information necessary to achieve the proposed objectives.

2nd Synchronous Session: - Supervision of the student's work, discussion, and resolution of doubts arisen during the analysis of the study cases. - Besides this tutoring session, the students have available a forum tool in the virtual platform of the subject to discuss issues that may appear during the analysis.

3th Synchronous session: - Each student presents each case using his/her interactive image in a virtual session - This session is recorded and uploaded to the educational platform - It will be kept as evaluation evidence - Students peer evaluate the content and design of the interactive images and oral presentations based on an assessment guide provided at the beginning of the course

4th Synchronous session: - The synthetic table is discussed and completed during a virtual session.

Field trip: All the knowledge and skills acquired by students with these activities are put into practice in a two-days field trip where students have to identify, characterize and classify different types of slope instabilities as well as their control and triggering factors. The risk situation and the mitigation strategies are discussed in each case and compared to the ones studied through virtual learning. Furthermore, students get used to and learn how to clearly present information through virtual tools, as Genially, useful for dissemination purposes.