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Guide: How to prevent cyberbulling?

Don't respond

A reaction is what an aggressor in looking for. Therefore, remove yourself from the situation or use humor to disarm your bully.

1st Golden rule

Save any evidence

The only good news about bullying online or on phone is that you can save the evidence. Show it to someone who can help.

2nd Golden rule

Tell the person to stop

Make your position completely clear – just tell your bully to stop.

3th Golden rule

Seek help

There is always someone who can listen and help you – your relative, a close friend or any adult you trust.

4th Golden rule

Protect your passwords

Under no circumstances share your passwords – even your closest friends. This will help you to protect your accounts.

5th Golden rule

Know it’s not your fault.

If someone is repeatedly cruel to you, that’s bullying! Don’t blame yourself. You don’t deserve to be treated in this way.

6th Golden rule

Take action

Support the person being bullied. Help by not passing along mean messages and not giving positive attention to the bully.

7th Golden rule

