TBR Project
Created on April 18, 2021
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TBR Global Chauffeuring
Project overview
- COVID has greatly affected sales and there is little hope returning to normal trading globally soon. The business relies on International travel with 90% of passengers that use the service travelling internationally.
- Although the business has secured it’s short and medium term future, the long term outlook for ground transportation globally may now be different
- Identify new business opportunities that TBR Global could explore as the world exits this global pandemic (what's the best way to secure our long term future).
- Prioritise opportunities that are within ground transportation but feel free to the consider wider travel industry, or even new industries/sectors
- Provide new business opportunities for TBR that will help to increase their sales.
- Provide opportunities that TBR can act upon despite the pandemic.
- Focus on keeping TBR’s beliefs on providing consistently high quality service and keeping the customers at the heart of everything.
Our Aims
Strategy: small percentage of the consumer payment for the company’s service goes to charity. This strategy would involve collaborating with charities that are focused on preventing Global warming. Examples of charities that you could collab with are:
- Greenpeace
- Union of Concerned Scientists
Charity Collaboration
It will encourage purchases
- Shoppers prefer to buy from charitable companies because it makes them feel good. They know they’re part of something bigger than themselves and that their purchase is changing the world.
- This sense of pride upon purchase encourages even more purchases. If a customer is torn between your brand and another brand that doesn’t give to charity, they’ll likely pick you over your competitor.
- 81% of millennials say they want to support brands with corporate citizenship. Carlson, N. (2019).
- Loyalty is a powerful tool. When customers feel good shopping with you, they’ll continue to do so. And not only will they continue to buy from you, but they’ll advocate on your behalf to their social networks Richtopia (N.D.).
Benefits of a collaboration to TBR
- Paris Agreement – U.S.
- Target: lower greenhouse gas emission in 180+ countries
- California bans petrol and diesel cars from 2035 Canada to ban petrol and diesel cars from 2035
- Canada’s zero emissions goal by 2040
- ‘Green Industrial Revolution’
- Ban on the selling of petrol / diesel cars by 2030
- Some hybrids will not be banned
- Self-driving cars in 2050
- Electric car incentives
Moving from petrol cars to electric
Developing the TBR fleet
Benefits to TBR
- Exempt from London Congestion Charge
- Access to clean air zones, like London ultra-low emission zone
- Up to 120,000 interest free loan for business-use vehicle in Scotland
- Model S seen as luxurious, fitting companies’ image
- 87% of people would buy a product with a social/environmental benefit if given the opportunity
Electric Cars (Tesla)
Further Incentives
- tesla Model X price after 5 years of use – 93170
- Range Rover price after 5 years of use - 94925
- Tesla Model S price after 5 years of use – 85390
- Mercedes S-Class price after 5 years of use – 88271
Car Comparison 2
Car Comparison 1
Car Comparisons
The Boring Company
The Boring Tunnel
The Hyperloop
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The Boring Company is an infrastructure and tunnel construction company founded in 2016 by Elon Musk. I am going to discuss two of the company’s current projects, these being the Hyperloop and the boring tunnel.
- TBR must innovate and adapt in order to achieve long term success.
- The transition to Electric cars by TBR will help showcase them as an environmentally responsible organisation.
- In the near and far future, TBR must keep a close eye on innovative travel options in order to ensure a competitive advantage.
- For both long and short distance travel it is possible and beneficial for TBR to seek out eco-friendly alternatives to the petrol/diesel engine car.
Cuthbertson, A., 2021. Hyperloop just hit a new top speed and exploded. [online] The Independent. Available at: https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/gadgets-and-tech/news/elon-musk-hyperloop-top-speed-record-virgin-hyperlooptt-a9015381.html [Accessed 22 March 2021]. Hyatt, K., 2021. The Boring Company's Las Vegas Loop may be operational by January 2021. [online] Roadshow. Available at: https://www.cnet.com/roadshow/news/boring-company-las-vegas-loop-2021/ [Accessed 22 March 2021]. Neira, J., 2021. the boring company plans expansion of underground people mover system in las vegas. [online] designboom | architecture & design magazine. Available at: https://www.designboom.com/technology/the-boring-company-las-vegas-loop-12-16-2020/[Accessed 22 March 2021]. The Boring Company. 2021. Projects — The Boring Company. [online] Available at: https://www.boringcompany.com/projects [Accessed 22 March 2021].
Carlson, N. (2019). Why Giving Back Increases Brand Loyalty. Available at: https://www.forbes.com/sites/theyec/2019/06/10/why-giving-back-increases-brand-loyalty/?sh=24956f870d29 Richtopia (N.D.). The Benefits of Charitable: https://richtopia.com/companies/the-benefits-of-charitable-work-for-businesses/ https://www.buyacar.co.uk/cars/economical-cars/low-emission-cars/536/government-electric-car-grant-the-complete-guide https://fortune.com/2020/12/11/europe-net-zero-2030-emissions-targets
Incentives - https://www.tesla.com/en_GB/support/incentiveS#chapter5 Consumer behaviour statistic - https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbesnycouncil/2018/11/21/do-customers-really-care-about-your-environmental-impact/?sh=27496fac240d Mercedes price - https://www.tesla.com/en_gb/models/design#overviewTesla Model S price - https://www.tesla.com/en_gb/models/design#overview Fuel consumption calculator - https://www.nextgreencar.com/cost-calculators/tesla/model-s/
Range rover price - https://www.landrover.co.uk/offers-and-finance/personal-offers/index.html?utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=Google&utm_campaign=LBRN_C/UK/GB/LAN/03523672-001_CONVER-OWN_MY20_1110-3112_ENG_LandRoverBrand_BG_ALON_EXA_Land-Rover_Retail_New&utm_term=land%20rover%20prices&utm_content=Offers&cm_mmc=PPC_Google-_-Retail-Offers-_-LBRN_C/UK/GB/LAN/03523672-001_CONVER-OWN_MY20_1110-3112_ENG_LandRoverBrand_BG_ALON_EXA_Land-Rover_Retail_New-_-Offers&gclsrc=aw.ds&&gclid=CjwKCAjw07qDBhBxEiwA6pPbHmUb4tCuTmoKkZptAPmuMfBn4DHBRH12IEgqpFxfPhjdTeUvDmX9whoC_SkQAvD_BwE Tesla model X price - https://www.tesla.com/en_gb/modelx/design#overview Tax rates - https://www.gov.uk/vehicle-tax-rate-tables