Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


Name 10 plastic objects you can spy with your little eye.

a bin 8 points

building blocks 10 points

a toy 9 points

a phone case 4 points

a pencil case 7 points

a pen 6 points

a plastic plate 1 point

a whiteboard marker 5 points

a plastic bottle 3 points

a plastic bag 2 points

Count your points:

Now stand up, walk around your house and count all the lights which are on.

Sorry, you lose 1 point for each light on.

Name 10 electronic devices you can spy with your little eye.

dishwasher 9 points

phone 5 points

fridge 10 points

hair dryer 4 points

computer/laptop 7 points

washing machine 6 points

radio 8 points

printer 3 points

mouse 2 points

TV set 1 point

Count your points:

Use a pen and connect the bottles with their destinations.

Move to check the answers

How much garbage is thrown to the sea every minute? 1 truck.How much garbage is thrown to the sea every year? 17 600 000 000 tonnes. What does plastic break into? Microplastic.How many whales species are affected? Even 60%.Where can you find microplastic? In drinking water, food, salt, honey and beer. How much more plastic will people produce? 4 times more.

I won't waste food.

I will reuse. I will fight for Earth.

I won't use plastic bags. I will walk rather than go by car.

I will cycle to school. I will save water.

I will water plants. I will care for animals.

I won't use disposable items. I won't litter.

I will save energy. I will recycle.

Score 1 point for each well labelled item.

Score one point for each correctly sorted item.

  • 4
  • 3
  • oui

Sum your points and do the jigsaw puzzle.