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Elena, francesco, altea
differences between Italy, China and Egypt
Women's rights in the world
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Elena, francesco, altea

differences between Italy, China and Egypt

Women's rights in the world

From 1956 women’s rights in Egypt made remarkable progress when they legally gained the right to vote. But, about the unemployment, Egyptian women are still fight for stopped this discrimination. Egypt still relies on gender-based rules, infact women tipically do house chores like cooking or cleaning. However inequality within education systems in Egypt has decreased substantially, but find a job, for women, is also difficult and dangerous because of sexual harassment in and outside the working environment. It’s also diminished the literacy disparities and it has become illegal child marriage. This fact, in 2001, give to young girls a brighter future. Unfortunately it’s also exist the female genital mutilation or called circumcision. There is the Egyptian Society of Women’s Health (ESWH) which is working hard at helping women to have all the right.


In Cina under the law, women have gained equality in education, marriage, rights and freedoms, but in many villages and rural areas, the laws are ignored. Domestic violence is still widely reported, and trafficking in women and children, especially girls, is a regular occurrence. the government devised a law in the 1970s which decreed that each family could have only one child. boys have always been valued more than girls. Female new-borns are often killed or abandoned.1997, hundreds of “mobile abortion clinics” was costrueited. In meny citys but women workers predominate in the fields of agriculture, banking, textile work, and export manufacturing. Many farms are worked by women. Husbands and older children have migrated to the cities because the farms no longer pay well enough to support the family.


Italy is a member of the United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, actively participates in the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women and supports the numerous initiatives promoted each year on these issues within the UN. Italy has played an active role in promoting the Council of Europe Convention on the prevention of and fight against violence against women and domestic violence (Istanbul Convention) entered into force in August 2014 and continues to encourage the widest support for this Convention.


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