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Do all the four tasks and collect numbers for your secret code. Enter the secret code in the padlock.
House - escape room
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Do all the four tasks and collect numbers for your secret code. Enter the secret code in the padlock.

House - escape room

Title your section here

Write a subtitle here

Do the crossword puzzle to get the first number. Remember it!

Task 2 - do the quiz to get the 2nd number



1 %

What percentage of men give the house a weekly clean?

Task 3 - listen to the podcast about domestic chores and answer the question

Wrong!Try again

Yes correct. The third secret number is 1.

Different plugs

2 separate taps

Milk delivered at the door

Task 4 - Watch the video about a British house. Which information did not appear in the video?

Nope. Watch again!

Your last secret number is 2.

Yes. That information wasn't included although it is true.

My home is my castle.East, west home is best.

CONGRATULATIONS! YOU DID IT! Proverbs to remember.

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