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By Muthu Sivakumar

Attica Prison Riot+ Prisoner Rights Movement

The Attica Prison Riot was the eruption of pent-up feelings that resulted from long-standing harsh treatment towards prisoners.

The Riot (1971) --->


The event didn't directly lead to any change, however it garnered national awareness and became a cornerstone for the Prisoners Rights Movement (PRM). PRM was motivated by ongoing Civil Rights movements and inteded to litigate the cruel conditions prisoners endured and reform the federal prison system.PRM gained massive momentum as a result.



There were hundreds of events under the PRM movement, however two court cases stood out with their impact on the rest of the movement.

The Movement

It was confirmed that the conditions in Arkansas prisons were too cruel and led to restructured prison systems across 25 states - Widespread prison reform (pushed PRM forward)

Talley v. Stephens Supreme Court Case

This case overruled the permission prison officials got to deny Muslim worship among prisoners.- The first court case to suggest that litigation was possible for prisoners (supported by ongoing Civil Rights movements) - Forwarded the notion that prisoners had rights too

Cooper v. Pate Supreme Court Case

Ain't Gonna Let Nobody Turn Me Around - The Freedom Singers

"Aint gonna let nobody turn me 'round" is the main line of the song and shows the spirit of all forms of Rights Movements of this time, unbreaking and willing to move forward

Why? (Am I Treated So Bad) - The Staple Signers

The song has a repeating chorus "Whyam I treated so bad?" that continues throughout the song, representing the oppressed voices of the time

Relating Music

Harris, Jamie, and Kelly McNamara. “Social Movement Lessons from the US Prisoners' Rights Movement.” Sentience Institute, Sentience Institute, 21 July 2020, www.sentienceinstitute.org/prisoners-rights#1951-80:-prison-riots,-litigation-victories,-and-the-development-of-resistance-to-the-prisoners%E2%80%99-rights-movement. Manos, Nick. “Attica Prison Riot (1971) •.” •, 30 Jan. 2020, www.blackpast.org/african-american-history/attica-prison-riot-1971-2/.

Works Cited