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Genially about the prehistoric monument Stonehenge



Stonehenge is a prehistoric monument that took Neolithic people an estimated 1,500 years to build. It is located in southern England, on a plain north of the city of Salisbury. It’s made of about 100 massive stones arranged in a circular layout.

Explore the prehistoric monument in England!

The largest stones at Stonehenge are known as sarsens, and they measure up to 30 feet tall and weigh roughly 25 tons. The smaller stones are known as “bluestones” because they have a blue tint when wet, and they can weigh up to 4 tons. The bluestones at Stonehenge come from various places in Wales, some as far as 140 miles away. Scientists do not know how Neolithic people would have transported the stones so far.

Stonehenge is a prehistoric monument that took Neolithic people an estimated 1,500 years to build. It is located in southern England, on a plain north of the city of Salisbury. It’s made of about 100 massive stones arranged in a circular layout.

According to research, Stonehenge evolved continuously over a period of roughly 10,000 years. The formation we now call Stonehenge was built between 4,000 and 5,000 years ago. It was only one part of a larger sacred site which included burial grounds, and other stone monuments, including one that was 15 times as large as Stonehenge.