Want to make creations as awesome as this one?

4th grade Fractions



Not Fast Just Furious

A Fractions Escape Room

Use the code race to unlock the first problem.

The Not Fast Just Furious race has come to Pinellas County! When you arrived on race day with your form of transoprtation, several onlookers were already there. Everyone was excited to watch you compete in a different kind of race, a race where every contestant is using a different form of transportation. While everyone is NOT a fast racer, everyone IS a furious competitor.

Unlock Door 1

You'll have to crack the code to win the race!

Type your answer choices in alphabetical order to unlock the next problem.

Select >, <, or = to make each comparison statement true.

Unlock the Door

Room 1

Select all the models that represent the sum .

Unlock the Door

Room 2

Type your answer choices in alphabetical order to unlock the next problem.

Room 3

Type your answer choices in alphabetical to unlock the next problem.

Unlock the Door

Which fraction is equivalent to the model shown?

Unlock the Door

Type your answer choice to unlock the next problem.

Room 4

Find the product.

Unlock the Door

Type your answer to unlock the next problem.Use "/" for the fraction bar.

Room 5

Fill in the circles to match each fraction to the equivalent decimal.

Unlock the Door

Type your answer choices in alphabetical order to unlock the next problem.

Room 6

Use the model to write an equivalent fraction.

Unlock the Door

Type your answer to unlock the next problem.

Room 7


Unlock the Door

Type your answer to unlock the next problem.Use "/" for the fraction bar.

Room 8

What is the sum of and ?

Type your answer to unlock the next problem. Use the "/" for the fraction bar.

Unlock the Door

Room 9

Find the product.

Unlock the Door

Type the answer in order to unlock the last door.Use the "/" for the fraction bar.

Room 10

Now that you have finished the race, tell your teacher "I WON! so they know you have finished the race.


You have unlocked all the doors and won the Not Fast Just Furious race!
