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Courtesy of Elliott Shulman
 Personal plans can look different for every particpant; The Guild of the Next Step doesn't dictate what each indiviudal must pursue as they recover from trauma. 
Developing a Personal Plan
The Guild of the Next Step helps participants develop their resumes to improve employment opportunities. Resumes are edited with the help of peers.   
Help With 
The Guild of the Next Step helps participants find volunteer placements to boost their confidence by giving back to their communities. 
The Guild of the Next Step forgoes the typical top-down approach to recovery and instead places emphasis on peers supporting peers. According to Christina Mutschler, a PhD candidate in clinical psychology at Ryerson University, peer-to-peer support can have a positive impact on the recovery process by building up a sense of community amongst those with similar experiences.  
Peer-To-Peer Support 
Take a look at what the non-profit offers its participants: 
The Guild of the Next Step