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Cywiro Lliw UHB51 Colour Correction
Level 3 Hairdressing 
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Cywiro Lliw UHB51 Colour Correction(6)

Level 3 Hairdressing

  • Permanent colouring and lightening are chemical processes that involve the addition of?
  • What effect does a colour reducer have on the hair?
  • What happens to the hair when you remove colour by oxidation?
  • Lighten
  • Darken
  • Change Tone of the hair using oxidation and reduction

Principles of Colour CorrectionEgwyddorion Cywiro Lliw

  1. Scalp irritation/Skin sensitivities
  2. Bleeding
  3. Uneven patchy result
  4. Insufficient coverage on white hair
  5. Hair not light enough
  6. Hair over-lightened
  7. Hair damage/breakage
  8. Incorrect tone
  9. Hair too dark
  10. Banding

Colouring Faults and Corrections Diffygion a Chywiriadau Lliwio

Scalp irritation – skin sensitivitiesLlid croen y pen - sensitifrwydd croen

  • Every client must have a skin test prior to a colouring service to test for an allergic reaction.
  • You should ask your clients if they have ever had any sensitivity to hairdressing products.
  • Check if your client has any general sensitivities or has had an allergic reaction in the past.
  • Once a client has developed a sensitivity to a permanent colouring product, this is unlikely to ever change.
  • A client with a history of allergies or sensitivity is more likely to react to hairdressing products.
  • Identify if the unwanted tone is too cool or too warm
  • Use the colour wheel to determine the neutralising tone or tone that needs to be replaced
  • Decide on the colouring product to be used, to pre-pigment the hair (for example, mousse, semi, quasi, etc.)

Correction for incorrect toneCywiro tôn anghywir

  • Failure to identify whether tones need to be added or neutralised
  • Natural tones in the hair not taken into account when choosing the target colour
  • Incorrect choice of target colour

Incorrect toneTôn anghywir

  • Re-apply colour if condition allows (spot colour).
  • Evaluate the use of different colouring products.
  • Treating the darker areas with a reducer before reapplying the target colour

Correction for banding Cywiro bandio

  • Re-growth application is overlapped
  • Incorrect mixing of products (guesswork)
  • Incorrect colour match to existing colour
  • Incorrect peroxide choice


Banding / Bandio

  • What are the potential consequences of using colour correction products on previously chemically treated hair?
  • What action should be taken if hair fails an elasticity test?
  • Why is it important to discuss with your client further colouring services after having a colour correction ?

Over processingGor-brosesu

  • Show your clients visuals to help them understand the process
  • Gold would indicate a warm skin tone
  • Silver would indicate a cool skin tone.

How to determine whether your client has a cool or warm skin tone,

Eye Colour - To determine whether your client has cool or warm eyes

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