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Flash Project: Two-sentence Horror Stories Dans le cadre de la séquence d'Anglais sur la littérature policière, les élèves se sont vu confier une mission : écrire une histoire effrayante en seulement deux phrases ... Âmes sensibles s'abstenir ! Bonne nuit...


Two-sentences Horror Stories

by the classes of 4°2, 4°3 & 4°5


The Project

The students had a mission: writing a suspenseful horror story in only two sentences...Les élèves avaient une mission : écrire une histoire effrayante en seulement deux phrases...


Shadows in the dark


I see dead people


Creepy crawlies

I was in my garden. Suddenly I saw that my rabbit was eating my neighbour’s cats. Nadya, Morgane, Rafael

I live alone. Somebody knocked on my bedroom’s door. Mikail, Ramazan, Maël, Tuna

I asked my dog to stop biting me. Suddenly I remembered that I locked him in the garage. Lou-Ann, Idris, Melwenn

The child felt something brush past him. When he turned around, he saw nothing. Dine-Djeck, Manon, Karla.

Every night I sleep next to my doll on a chair. But last night, she watched me sleeping. Chanelle, Norah, Seyyid

I went for a walk in the forest in the evening. I heard my dad's voice, but he was dead.Maureen, Mraati, Marcio

The three kids went to sleep while the babysitter was in the living-room. The phone rang three times. She went to the kids’ room, they were dead. Kawtar, Cheikhtidiane, Sasha, Charmaine

A tall boy with a knife was waving at me through the windows. I didn’t have any windows. Erell, Manon

I came home. Somebody had dug out my dog’s grave. Timothée, Noa, Guenaël

A dog was hung in the kitchen. I have a cat, he looked proud of himself. Aya, Inès, Lucie

A dog was licking my feet all night. I don’t have a dog. Sixtine

Every Saturday, my grandmother comes to visit me. She died three years ago. Isaack

In the dark, I saw somebody. When I turned on the lights, I couldn’t see him. Nebras, Adam

I got a call from my grandmother... who died yesterday. Raphaël

John woke up at midnight, he was hungry. He went to the kitchen to make a sandwich and then saw that his knife was missing... Yanis

I was coming home from school alone when I heard footsteps behind me. When I opened the door, a hand grabbed my shoulder... It was my brother who had lost his home key. Lola

I woke up last night because I heard something or someone knocking. It was coming from the mirror. Mohamed

Last night, I was going to sleep and I put my teddy bear in front of me. I turned around and saw that he was behind me, he spoke to me but I couldn't understand him. Inès, Yhnata

Yesterday, I came home, my mother said « hello » to me and I answered back, then I went directly to bed. I remembered that my mother died 5 years ago.Ilona & Mickaël

I went to visit my children. Then, I turned around because I forgot to close the freezer door. Julia, Livia & Fanny

I woke up at 4:02 am, I went to the kitchen and I walked past my reflection in the mirror. I didn't have any mirror in the kitchen ! I turned around but the reflection was gone. Where was it ? Nina, Marion & Kiymetnur

Breathless and unable to move, I felt his rotten nails pierce my body while his other hands muffled my screams. To my left, an alarm clock read 9:30.I sat up, relieved from waking up to this terrible nightmare. I looked at my alarm clock, it read 9:29...That's when the door to my wardrobe opened... Kelya & Elif

Good night...