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UN goals for sustainable development
Life on land 
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wildlife traffick and zoonotic diseases

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UN goals for sustainable development

Life on land

Main Goals

  • Alt deforestation
  • Combat desertification
  • Ensure the conservation of mountain ecosystems
  • Prevent extinction of threatened species
  • End poaching and trafficking of protected species
  • reduce impact of invasive alien species
  • integrate biodiversity values into national and local planning


Possible solutions



Big cats


elephant and rhinos


effects of wildlife crimes

Wildlife trafficking


Some examples of zoonotic diseases

An emerging global issue: zoonosis

  • Psittacosis
  • SARS
  • SARS-CoV2
  • Nipah
  • HIV

a short introduction

Wildlife crime is a serious growing international issue which affects economy and security. A significant proportion of wildlife crime is carried out by organized criminal networks. The same routes used to smuggle wildlife across countries and continents are often used by these criminal networks to smuggle weapons, drugs and people.

What is wildlife trafficking?

  • national and international economy
  • human health
  • national security
  • biodiversity
  • socio-economic development

Main impacts

Ghada WalyExecutive DirectorUnited NationsOffice on Drugs and Crime

"Putting an end to wildlife crime is anessential part of building back betterfrom the COVID-19 crisis. As we prepare the road to recovery, we have thechance to reset our relationship withnature and lay the foundations of amore just and more resilient world –working together to eliminate wildlifetrafficking, prevent future pandemicsand put us back on track towards theSustainable Development Goals."

How much is it important to tackle this issue?

Not only animals

  • “Rosewood” is a trade term for a wide range of tropical hardwoods
  • Demand for tropical hardwood timber has grown greatly in the last two decades
  • Unlike illicit drugs, timber is not sold in acknowledged illegal markets but fed directly into legal markets leaving its origin obscure.
  • Most of the tropical hardwood logs in international trade today are destined for Asia’s massive furniture industry.
  • According to Interpol, timber trafficking is valued at between $30 billion and $100 billion a year and accounts for 15 percent to 30 percent of the global timber trade.



  • Ivory is primarily used for small jewelry objects
  • These illicit markets are contracting.
  • Currently, Vietnam is the primary destination and the primary source of illicit shipments is Nigeria.
  • 90% of African Elephants have been killed in the last 100 years, only 415,000 individuals are estimated to remain in the wild today.


the most trafficked mammal

  • Its scales are in high demand in Asia for use in traditional Chinese medicine, while its meat is considered a delicacy in some countries.
  • Between 2014 and 2018 seizure of pangolin scales increased tenfold.
  • Attempts to farm pangolins for commercial purposes have failed,
  • Individual seizures made in recent years have been comprised of the scales of tens of thousands of pangolins, indicative of highly organized criminal operations


endangered species

  • All parts of the tiger are traded and used, for traditional medicine
  • purchasing these goods as a sign of wealth rather than for their health.
  • The most popular bone-based products appear to be tiger wine and tiger glue/paste.
  • A large part of the trade has shifted to online sales through social media and messaging apps.
  • Thailand and India are the main source countries. These include clouded leopard, snow leopard, jaguar, and lion parts, some passed off as tiger products. .

Big cats

fashion industry and pet trade

  • Reptile species are primarily traded for décor or fashion, for food, tonics, or medicine and for the pet trade and breeding.
  • live reptile seizures meant for the pet trade are becoming far more common than seizures of reptile skins.
  • These species are sourced from a range of regions including South Asia, Central Asia, South-East Asia, East Africa and West Africa. East and Southeast Asia, followed by the United States and Europe, are their main destinations


horns as medicines

  • Approximately 94% of rhino poaching takes place in Zimbabwe and South Africa,
  • Rhino horn poached last year is valued around 63.8–192 million $.
  • Consumer demand for rhino horn is almost exclusive to Asian nations.
  • Recent urban myths surrounding its medicinal properties have given rise to beliefs that rhino horn can also cure cancer, relieve hangovers, or enhance male virility.
  • The cultural and social nature of this demand has given rise to highly organised global poaching and trafficking networks.

Rhino Horns

"It confirms the need for EU support to the rule of law and the fight against corruption. The EU continues to support actions to end the unsustainable exploitation of nature, including deforestation and illegal wildlife trade. Sustainability is at the heart of the European Green Deal: an inclusive and sustainable transition towards a greener planet and stronger economies with people at the centre. This includes ecosystems and wildlife conservation, essential parts of a thriving wildlife economy with and for local communities"

EU Commissioner Jutta Urpilainen

"We recognize that without strong governance, the rule of law, and strong institutions the likelihood that we all meet the goals and objectives of the SDGs and the environment/nature agendas willbe significantly reduced."

Ghada Waly, Executive Director United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime

"Understanding how poachers, traffickers and organised criminals operate is the only way we can hope to disrupt extremely complicated wildlife smuggling networks"

Some proposed solutions

Penny Wallace, Programme Officer for Wildlife Crime

  • https://www.un.org/en/chronicle/article/comprehensive-approach-combating-criminal-networks-behind-environmental-crime
  • https://www.unodc.org/documents/data-and-analysis/wildlife/2020/World_Wildlife_Report_2020_9July.pdf
  • GLOBAL WILDLIFE ENFORCEMENT: Strengthening Law Enforcement Cooperation Against Wildlife Crime INTERPOL
  • https://www.interpol.int/Crimes/Environmental-crime/Wildlife-crime
  • https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-47200816
  • https://www.unodc.org/documents/data-and analysis/wildlife/2020/WWCR2020_Launch_QnA_from_the_virtual_event.pdf
  • https://sdg-tracker.org/biodiversity
  • https://www.who.int/news-room/q-a-detail/one-health
  • https://sdgs.un.org/goals/goal15

References and Sources


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