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you can continue but it's expensive

9th grades10th grades11th grades12th grades

6th grades7th grades8th grades

1st grades2nd grades3rd grades4th grades5th grades

the first years ( 5 years old)



Elementary school

Middle school


School grades

The high school in the USA start in 9th grades (14 years old) and finish in 12th grades (18 years old). When they have the high school diploma they can go to college if they have good marks. The highest grade is A+ and F mean complete failure. At the end of highschool student have their SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test), a college admission exam but it doesn't have any influence on graduation, based on their work during the years. At the college student don't have to wear uniforms and put their personnal items in their lockers. They study sciences, maths, english, social science (about history and governement) and PE but they can also learn extra-subject called elective : music, computer studies, art, foreign language and pratical skills. The first class start at 8AM but their principal make an announcement before their first period and student musn't be late to any period they'll get detention. Between first and second period they have a 5 minutes registration period called "home room". Student go to school the monday to the friday but can also come th saturday morning for study their exams.

School system

At 12AM,student eat to the cafeteria for lunch tume where they can chose between two menus :- a healthy one (salad, tomato...)- a less healthy one (fries, chips..)Cafeteria is a place where the student can eat , laugh and relax with their friends, it's very important for the American school education system to create a strong, good and sensive community.After school, most of the student don't leave shcool because they can join a club. The physical education is very important fir the American. Every High school has their own football, basketball, baseball or trackt and field team. The members train every day, there are regular matches with other school which is very important for the image of the school. Cheersleaders attend all of the football and basketball games to make the audience cheer for the team.

Free time

In their cafeteria, we can see an american flag (there is a flag in almost every room), student are really proud of their contry and of their school. They are also a flag supporting their sport team, who is indeed very important to the schools. They are also school dances ( it's very common) Homecoming refers to the football game, parade and dance that take place at the beginning of the school year. Snowcoming is another dance in the winter and prom is a major dance at the end of the schoolyear for seniors and students vote for each other to be prom Queen and King.

Proud of their contry

At the end of the day, student take the bus. The buses are all yellow and identical. After school you must get on the exact same bus and it will drop you off at your house, it's free. When the school is finish, student are in vacation. However they have less vacation than us. The school year begin at the end of August and finishes in the middle of June so student have 3 months of vacation. They are also some day during the years for celebration.

End of the school year

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