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Escape from a Night at the Museum 3rd Grade Numbers & Operations

Unlock Door 1

Solve each problem. Then, use the answer to unlock the next question. Make sure you use all lowercase letters!When you're ready, use the password noexit to unlock door 1.

You are on a field trip spending the night at the museum when you notice everyone else has disappeared. You try all the doors but they are locked. You see a sign that says answer the questions to get the code to disarm the security system and unlock the doors. Now, it's time to work to escape from the Museum! LET'S GO!

Room 1

*Type your answer choices to unlock the next question.

Unlock the Door

Room 2

*Type your answer choice to unlock the next question.

Unlock the Door

*Type your answer choices in alphabetical to unlock the next question.

Room 3

Unlock the Door

Type your answer to unlock the next question.

Room 4

Unlock the Door

*Type your answer choices in alphabetical order to unlock the next question.

Room 5

Unlock the Door

*Type your answer choice to unlock the next question.

Room 6

Unlock the Door

*Type your answer to unlock the next question.

Room 7

Unlock the Door

Type your answer as a number.

Room 8

Unlock the Door

Type your answer as a number.

Room 9

Unlock the Door

*Type your answer to unlock the final question.

Room 10

Unlock the Final Door!


You unlocked all the doors and made it out of the Museum!Share this code with your teacher: round
